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ClearSCADA - SCADA Host Software

ClearSCADA 2009 Edition

ClearSCADA is a premium SCADA host platform that offers best-in-class features for monitoring and control of remote assets in utility or process operations. The product tackles all of today’s challenging requirements for commissioning, configuring and securing distributed assets efficiently and with the highest available return on investment.  Equally at home in industrial and utility environments, ClearSCADA is the easiest to use, most feature-rich product on the market.

Enhanced Integration

If you are a current customer or are considering any of Control Microsystems' SCADA hardware products, the following information will describe how the value proposition of a SCADA system is dramatically increased through a simple concept called Enhanced Integration . Whether you have chosen our SCADAPack RTUs, SCADAWave data radios, SCADASense flow computers or SCADARange wireless instrumentation for your system, you will want to learn more on how dedicated, end-to-end SCADA can make a difference in your business.

Open Standards

As an advanced SCADA host, ClearSCADA can be used with a wide range of hardware and software products on the market including all of the leading brands of wireless communication systems, RTUs, PLCs and more.  To understand how ClearSCADA augments systems based on third party hardware solutions, visit  for a complete review off this leading-edge SCADA platform.

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