Animal health and welfare

Animal health and welfare

Photo of a cowThe health and welfare of animals is central to Defra's work of protecting and improving livestock and controlling and eradicating disease. The Animal Health and Welfare pages are divided into various subject areas each with its own ‘Home page’ and ‘Latest news’ section. These are detailed below:

Animal by-products
Disposal of animal by-products which are animal carcases, parts of carcases or products of animal origin that are not intended for human consumption.

Animal disease
Biosecurity, veterinary surveillance, Defra's contingency plan and notifiable diseases including:

Animal health & welfare strategy
The route map for work to improve the health and welfare of kept animals in Great Britain.

Animal welfare
Animal Welfare Act, welfare in transport regulations and domestic and farm animal welfare.

Bringing pets to the UK
Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) and rabies quarantine.

International trade
Animal and animal product imports, EU exports, Non-EU Exports.

Livestock movements, identification and tracing
Movement of livestock and their identification, registration and tracing.

Personal food & plant imports
What food may I bring into the UK? - search the database or personal import tables.

Other pages

Defra's delivery agents relating to animal health and welfare:

Page last modified: January 8, 2009

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs