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Academic Enrichment

List of Personnel Phyllis Brooks-Collins, Executive Director
Administration Building 2nd Floor
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.
(302) 857-7201 (Main Office) • (302) 857-7202 (Fax)

Greetings from the Executive Director!

Welcome to the Division of Academic Enrichment Website. As our name suggests, our goal is to enrich and support the undergraduate learning experience at the university. The function of the division is to provide continuous identification, intervention, monitoring and follow-up of all students to ensure student's success. We work in collaboration with academic departments and student life units across the university to develop programs and activities that impact retention and graduation of our students. The division is composed of the following offices which offer a variety of programs: Academic Support Center, Mentoring and Advising, Testing Services, McNair Scholars and the University Studies and First Year Programs. Please explore our website and become familiar with our services listed. We look forward to serving you.


The Division of Academic Enrichment follows the mission to proactively retain students in an environment of warmth and caring through a variety of programs, activities, strategic methodologies and delivery modes.

Each student is to be valued as a customer who is worthy of consideration and respect in a wholesome, safe and satisfying environment while pursuing a higher education and ultimately, a satisfying career.

The Division offers Academic Support Services in the following areas:

  • Enrichment Courses: Reading Lab, Learning Strategies, University Seminar
  • Tutoring Center
  • Disability Services
  • Staying-on-Course
  • Drop-in Labs: Writing, Math, Computer
  • Supplemental Instruction (SI)