Noah Kahn

Noah Kahn Federal Lands Associate

Areas of Expertise: Management and policy of the National Wildlife Refuge System, federal appropriations process, wildlife and climate change, U.S.-Mexico border issues, various refuge-specific threats

Noah Kahn works to defend and strengthen the wildlife-first mission of the nation’s wildlife refuges by working with the U.S. Congress on appropriations and relevant legislation, and working cooperatively with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and non-governmental partners to ensure sound stewardship of the Refuge System. Noah also strives to ensure that the Refuge System is able to help wildlife adapt to a rapidly changing climate and many other stressors (e.g., highways, oil and gas development, invasive species) by working to promote and implement strategic, science-based plans, policies and management practices.

Before joining Defenders of Wildlife in 2006, Noah spent three years as a research ornithologist studying the effects of habitat fragmentation, brood parasites, and wind turbines on migratory birds throughout the U.S. and in Costa Rica.

Noah earned his B.S. from the University of Georgia in biology and a M.S. from North Carolina State University with a focus on ecological entomology and plant pathology.

Contact Information
Phone: (202) 772-3227