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Building a Just Food System From the Ground Up:

Integrating Practice, Perception, and Policy.

Welcome to the Sixth Annual W.K. Kellogg Foundation Food and Society Networking Meeting, hosted in partnership with the H.A. Wallace Center at Winrock International.We are excited to host this meeting at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina.The people in Asheville and its surrounding region are doing great work to advance fresh, local, healthy food in their communities. This week you will meet and learn from people creating community-based food systems in Appalachia, you will taste the bounty of flavors this region offers, and you will have the opportunity to see the area’s beauty and richness.

This year’s meeting, Building a Just Food System From the Ground Up, focuses on integrating three themes: practice, perception, and policy.

  • PRACTICE: We will use our time together to share how we do our work, our practices. We believe that practice is not only about doing the work of building community-based food systems. It is also about learning from your peers and from new voices.
  • PERCEPTION: The theme of perception honors our belief in the power of storytelling, of putting the human face on our work. We’ve spent the last year studying how Americans perceive the food system and its complexities.We did this to understand how we can tell our story better, and as a result,be more effective.
  • POLICY: We will hear how some organizations are working to inform public policy that supports community-based food systems. This week we will learn about plans for informing policy at many levels, including the Federal Farm Bill, which will be up for reauthorization in 2007. The Kellogg Foundation has funded a group of organizations to work collaboratively on the Farm and Food Policy Project, which will work to advance federal policy reforms.

The annual networking meeting is one of the most important events for the Food and Society initiative. For this event, as for past conferences, we invite you to meet new people, generate exciting ideas and partnerships, share your stories, and advance the community-based food systems work we deeply support.

Welcome to Asheville!

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