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Career Services

Grossley Hall Grossley Hall
Rm. 209
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 - 4:30
Phone: 302-857-6120
Fax: 302-857-6123
Mrs. Robin A. Roberts
Director Career Services
Mrs. Lisa Dumpson
Assistant to the Director, Career Services
Mr Fred Cooke
Career Coach

Career Services Mission and Objectives

Career Services supports the retention mission and advancement of Delaware State University as a premier institution of higher learning. Career Services uses a systems approach in coordinating campus resources to meet student's needs, serves as a liaison for institutional and faculty support, facilitates professional development programs, and strengthen relationships within the community. Career Services creatively coordinates on- and off-campus career-related programs and services consistent with the goals and objectives of Delaware State University to ensure internship and employment opportunities are closely aligned with student's coursework.

The Career Services office is staffed with development professionals who share knowledge of labor market trends and employment requirements with faculty and administrators to facilitate curricular development, skill inventorying and student advising. These professionals use technological and practical resources to provide students with the talent to conduct job searches, to become proficient in effective interviewing and presentation, and understanding the fit between their competencies and occupational requirements. Students also gain marketable experience through on and off-campus collegiate activities, campus and community service, research projects, cooperative education, and internships to prepare them to manage their careers pre- and post-graduation.

During the academic year, more than 300 representatives from business and industry, government, not-for-profit organizations, graduate schools, and public/private school systems interview perspective graduates and underclassmen for permanent and seasonal positions. Career Services also maintains an interactive career reference library of over 5000 volumes of occupational resources to provide students with models to optimize and integrate academic pursuits with career aspirations.

Normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. However, office hours are flexible to meet the needs of Delaware State University customers. Career Services is located in the Grossley, Room 209; telephone (302) 857-6120; fax (302) 857-6123; email careerplanning@desu.edu .