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Office of Sponsored Programs

Policies and ProceduresPolicies and Procedures

Proposal/Grant Submissions

Faculty Proposal Submission Response Form

This form is to alert Sponsored Programs that you will be submitting a proposal for a particular grant announcement and to eliminate duplicate proposal submissions from DSU faculty. After you submit this form, you will be returned to this page where you should next print out the Internal Processing Form. Complete the Internal Processing Form and get all appropriate signatures of directors, chairs, deans or their designees before the grant is submitted to Sponsored Programs for clearance and signatures of authorized officials.

Online Calendar of Workshops PDF File  
Pre Award Packet PDF File  
Student Employment PDF File  
Consultant Contract PDF File Word Document
Facilities Use Policy and Procedure PDF File Word Document
Conflict of Interest PDF File Word Document
Internal Processing Form PDF File  
Funding Opportunity Request Form PDF File Word Document
Proposal Flowchart PDF File Word Document
Proposal Checklist PDF File Word Document
Institutional Fact Sheet PDF File
Participant Support Costs PDF File  
Time and Effort Reporting System PDF File Word Document
OMB Circulars Webpage  
Code of Federal Regulations Webpage  
Excluded Parties List (Common Rule for Non-procurement suspension and debarment) Webpage  
Federal Register Webpage  
Budget Development
NSF 1030A Budget Form PDF File Word Document
Sample 1030A Budget Form PDF File Word Document
Institutional Review Board (IRB) - Human Subjects
Human Subjects Application for Approval PDF File Word Document
Progress Report Form PDF File Word Document
Continuing Review Form PDF File Word Document
Human Subjects Presentation PDF File PowerPoint
Instructions for the Completion of the Application PDF File Word Document
Guidelines for Writing Informed Consent PDF File Word Document
Sample Informed Consent Form PDF File Word Document
Sample Collaborative IRB Approval PDF File Word Document
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Agricultural Animal Care and Use in Research and Teaching Handbook PDF File Word Document
Approval Application PDF File Word Document