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Faculty Research Abroad

The creation of the Office of International Affairs is the latest development in DSU’s commitment to global engagement. The office works to coordinate and increase the international activity of faculty and professional staff.

Among their many global activities, DSU faculty have:

  • evaluated plant pathogens in Mexico
  • studied the distillation of essential plant oils in Australia
  • researched how how seeds are scattered under natural conditions in six nations in South and Central America
  • participated in workshops, conferences, and other activities in Egypt, Ukraine, Greece, Australia, Liberia, England, and elsewhere in the world.
The College of Agriculture and Related Sciences engages in global plant and animal science research, aquaculture, fisheries and wildlife management, seafood safety, environmental science, soil science, nutrition and dietetics. The college also has a teaching and research Herbarium with more than 160,000 plant species from around the world.

DSU faculty and staff are involved in projects across the globe. Here is a current listing of activities and agreements.

The faculty of Delaware State University has long been engaged in the global search for new knowledge. DSU not only encourages internationalization—it has made global outreach a fundamental part of the university’s mission and a defining feature of DSU.

Programs Abroad

Angola | Austria | Bangladesh | Brazil | China | Cuba | Dominican Republic | Egypt | France | Ghana | Honduras | India | Indonesia | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Korea | Liberia | Mauritania | Mexico | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | Panama | Poland | Senegal | Serbia & Montenegro | South Africa | Spain | Trinidad and Tobago | Uganda | United Kingdom | Vietnam


The Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences with the support of the Office of International Affairs is leading a discussion with the Office of the Counsel General for Angola to explore the feasibility of an institutional partnership with Agustinho Neto University. The academic areas of mutual interest are history (historical preservation), political science and agricultural education and development as an entry point. The point of contact for this developing partnership will be Dr. Bradley Skelcher, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

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The Salzburg Seminar is an international, nonpartisan, educational organization dedicated to recognition of tomorrow’s leaders. Participation in the seminar requires nomination. Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs received two nominations and fellowships to participate in the 2000 seminar with the theme, “Who will Control the Food System” and in the 2001 seminar with the theme, “East Asia – The United States: A Search for Common Values.” DSU faculty who wish to participate in this prestigious, invitation-only seminar are encouraged to contact the Office of International Affairs.

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A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been executed with the International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology in Dhaka, The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, to facilitate joint research projects and the exchange of visiting scholars. The partnership also affords both institutions an opportunity to engage in joint teaching and research conferences and seminars. Faculty in the Colleges of Business, Education and Sport Sciences and of Agriculture and Related Sciences will pursue joint funding opportunities that will support the academic, service learning, study abroad, and international development research experiences sought by undergraduate and graduate students. The partnership ultimately will include public health. The partnership’s point of contact is Dr. Gholam Kibria.

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The University is seriously considering a recent outreach by the Centro Universitario de Maringa seeking U.S. partners for exchange programs. The University will also participate in an education fair through the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Commercial Service in collaboration with the Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association. Several colleges and universities will attend, giving DSU an opportunity to develop further institutional partners and tap into the international student market in the region.

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Under the provisions of an MOU with Beijing Culture and Language University (BLCU), at least thirty DSU students undertook culture and language studies in Beijing in the summer of 2007. BLCU has 700 faculty members to support the academic work of 10,000 students, of which 6,000 are from countries other than China. BLCU alumni include distinguished diplomats and journalists and fourteen ambassadors to China as well as at least thirty individuals now working in embassies in China. The points of contact are Dr. Aziz-Abdul Diop, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English and Foreign Languages, and Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs.

DSU has executed seven other MOUs and/or Letters of Intent ensuring collaboration and cooperation with institutions in the Peoples Republic of China: Beijing Sport University, Dalian University of Technology in Dalian, Hefei University of Technology in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, Hunan Normal University in Beijing, Jilin University in Chanchun, Jilin province, Yantai University in Yantai, Shandong province, and Zhejiang University City College in Hang Zhou, Zhejiang province.

These partnerships are supporting collaborative research and teaching projects and activities including seminars and conferences in applied mathematics and computer science. The partnerships have also led to the widening of grant support that involves providing professional training and development of academic staff and exchange of scholars. The partnerships encourage and support undergraduate and graduate students’ thesis and dissertation research to be carried out in China under a co-advisement format as well as study abroad opportunities. Other academic areas of interest identified in these partnerships include Physics and Chinese language and culture. The points of contact for the above-mentioned partnerships are Dr. Fengshan Liu, Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Director of the Applied Mathematics Research Center, and Dr. Li Chen, Chair of the Department of Education and Sport Sciences.

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A Letter of Intent with the University of Havana includes the intention to develop joint research and teaching activities including faculty exchanges and collaborative grant development, study abroad and service learning opportunities. The goal is to enable DSU students to join their Cuban counterparts in the study of history, and of the visual and performing arts, including radio, video, and film, as well as work in public health, nursing, and social work.

Letters of Intent have also been signed with the the Instituto de Artes of the Universidad de las Artes, and the Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas de La Habana. Students will be able to engage in performances and to participate in conferences and other intellectual and scholarly endeavors. DSU’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Health and Public Policy are strategically designing experiential learning programs for their students as a part of their degree programs. The points of contact are Dr. Bradley Skelcher, Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. Donald Parks, Director, Art Center Gallery, and Dr. Lisa Barkley, Dean, College of Health and Public Policy.

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Dominican Republic

As part of an HBCU consortium with Florida A & M as the negotiating institution, DSU expects to be able to offer study abroad and exchange programs at the Study Abroad Center of Pontifica Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra. The point of contact is Ms. Candace Moore, Director of International Student Services and Scholars.

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A Memorandum of Understanding between Ain Shams University in Cairo pledges to develop cooperation with DSU in scientific and academic fields. This includes the exchange of faculty, scientists and staff members in order to exchange teaching experiences, develop joint research projects and research thesis supervision as well as participation in conferences, symposia, and post-graduate courses between DSU’s Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources and its counterpart at Ain Shams. Cooperation will focus particularly in the fields of agriculture, agricultural economics, natural resources and related environmental topics. The partnership envisions future development in other disciplines such as multicultural education and cultural understanding. The point of contact is Dr. Michael Reiter, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Delaware State University has a partnership with the University of Caen, located in the Normandy region of France. Students have an opportunity to study French during the summer sessions held from June through August at this prestigious French university founded some five centuries ago. Language classes are offered at the CEUIE (French acronym for the University Center for Foreign Students). The CEUIE has the distinctive feature of providing language classes designed to help students improve their French while at the same time offering courses in other subjects. The point of contact is Dr. Oriaku Nwosu, Professor, Department of English and Foreign Languages.

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An MOU with the University of Ghana - Legon is under review. DSU is also exploring a relationship with the Ghanaian Management Institute. Students will be encouraged to participate in summer and semester abroad programs.

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A Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence in Spanish, Dr. Lety Elvir Lazo, is currently in place in DSU’s Department of English and Foreign Languages. Dr. Lazo serves as the principal point of contact as a part of ongoing discussion with the Autonomous National University of Honduras.

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An MOU has been drafted with the University of Mumbai calling for exchange of faculty and students as well as scientific and technological information, data and equipment. Other partnerships that are under development include Birla Institute of Technology in Pilani, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, and the University of Madras in Chennai. Disciplines under consideration include computer science, physics and engineering; specifically work on parallel and distributed computing and grid computing. In addition, DSU faculty hope to collaborate in the area of bioinformatics through the Delaware Center for Scientific and Applied Computation. The points of contact for the India initiatives are Dr. Jaiwant Mulik, Assistant Professor, Computer Sciences, and Dr. Nourredine Melekechi, Professor and Chair, Department of Physics and Pre-Engineering.

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Delaware State University will collaborate with the Harriet International Network, a private, internationally renowned educational group that assists universities with establishing degree programs in foreign countries. Indonesia represents a potentially ideal location for this possibility.

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DSU and the University of Cagliari have signed a Letter of Intent committing them to explore areas of common interest, including joint research and teaching activities, study abroad opportunities, exchange of teaching materials and other information, collaboration in professional training and development for academic staff, and collaboration in various disciplinary areas including computer science and information technology, applied mathematics, and mathematical and theoretical physics. The point of contact is Ms. Candace Moore, Director of International Student Services and Scholars.

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The Letter of Intent between DSU and the Heart Trust/National Training Agency in Kingston identifies several areas of common interest. These include joint efforts to apply for grants from their governments and from international funding organizations, joint research and teaching activities, sharing of pedagogical and other materials, professional training for academic staff and students, and study abroad opportunities initially in Agriculture and Natural Resources and Environmental Science. The partnership also includes other academic programs such as fashion design & merchandising, hospitality and tourism, information technology, and education. The point of contact is Dr. Dyremple Marsh, Dean, College of Agriculture and Related Sciences.

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DSU is corresponding with the institutional representative of the Hiroshima College of Foreign Languages and with Josai International University in an effort to strengthen the Japanese language program at DSU. The point of contact is Dr. Aziz-Abdul Diop, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English and Foreign Languages.

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DSU has begun negotiations toward an MOU with Chonnam National University in Gwangjiu, South Korea. The College of Business at DSU and the College of Business Administration at Chonnam University seek to engage students in a reciprocating semester abroad program for students pursuing an MBA degree. The fruition of this partnership is consistent with DSU’s College of Business’ desire to provide an international experience for its students in one of the fastest growing economic regions of the world in Southeast Asia. DSU is also planning participation in an international education fair in Busan. This location represents one of the largest numbers of international students studying in foreign countries. The point of contact will be Dr. Young-Sik Kwak, Chairperson of Accounting & Finance and Associate Professor of Finance.

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The University’s Letter of Intent with the University of Liberia identifies several areas of common interest including joint research and teaching activities and collaborative grant development. It also envisions exchange of pedagogical materials and other information. Although the initial focus of the partnership will be in agriculture, the partnership envisions future collaboration in other disciplines.

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A partnership with the University of Nouakchott at the initial stage provides an intensive summer study abroad program for students to learn the Arabic language in a cultural immersion setting. The program is coordinated by University of Nouakchott’s Faculty of Letters and Humane Sciences and the Department of National Languages and Linguistics. The partnership in advanced stages provides for the exploration of faculty exchanges and collaborative grant development with the University of Nouakchott’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

DSU students will travel to Mauritania beginning in 2007. The partnership also provides a semester abroad program for students seeking advanced language and culture studies. The points of contact are Dr. Aziz-Abdul Diop, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of English and Foreign Languages and Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs.

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DSU has a 15-year-old partnership with the Centro De Idiomas Del Surete in Yucatan. The partnership enables students to study English as a second language at DSU in business and computer science. DSU has hosted nearly 100 students. An MOU between the International University in Cuernavaca and DSU commits the partners to developing student and faculty exchange and study abroad programs as well as collaborative efforts in research, proposal writing and technical assistance. They also expect to jointly sponsor seminars, workshops, exhibitions and conferences. The partnerships afford DSU students and public and private school teachers an opportunity to enroll in two- to six-week reciprocal intensive language training programs. The point of contact for these partnerships is Dr. Oriaku Nwosu, Professor, Department of English and Foreign Languages.

Under the Letter of Intent between DSU and the University of Guanajuato, students from DSU’s Department of Nursing and Community Health will have opportunities for internships and participation in international development and service learning projects through the School of Nursing in León. This partnership also calls for study abroad opportunities, faculty exchanges, collaborative grant development and collaboration in professional training and development for academic staff. Other academic areas of mutual interests include language studies and international business. The point of contact is Dr. Lisa Barkley, Dean, College of Health and Public Policy.

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A summer study abroad program has sent nearly 100 students to Namibia since 2002 under an MOU with the University of Namibia. The initial phase of the partnership focused on agriculture, natural resources and the biological sciences. A second phase of the program offered opportunities to widen the academic background of student participants to other areas including finance, marketing, community health, nursing, nutrition, foreign languages, history and political science. The MOU also calls for faculty and research exchanges, technical assistance and/or training and other cooperative efforts. A recent Letter of Intent has been signed by DSU and Polytechnic of Namibia calling for other joint and collaborative activities, including aquaculture and fisheries. The points of contact are Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs and Dr. Gustav Ofosu, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences.

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The Government of Niger and Delaware State University are embarking on a multi-million dollar proposal funded by the World Bank. DSU will be the implementing entity. The partnership protocols and deliverables are still in the development stage. The point of contact will be Dr. Aziz-Abdul Diop, Associate Professor, Chair, Department of English and Foreign Languages.

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An MOU with the University of Uyo in the Capital of Akwa Ibom state provides for joint fundraising efforts, undergraduate and graduate degree programs, research projects, academic seminars or conferences, and faculty and student exchange programs in mathematics. The point of contact is Dr. Hanson Umoh, Professor, Department of Mathematics.

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The MOU with the University of Panama establishes an international development partnership supported by the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation. This partnership, which is a collaboration between DSU as the lead institution and Morgan State University, enables faculty at the University of Panama to teach criminal justice with their counterparts. The University is also considering a University-wide study abroad program. The principal points of contact are Dr. Anuradha Dujari and Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs.

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The Letter of Intent with the University of Silesia in Katowice opens the way for the two institutions to work collaboratively on mutually beneficial teaching and research initiatives; especially chromatography and chromatographical methods of investigation, as well as other disciplinary areas. The two institutions also expect to participate in symposia and in the exchange of pedagogical materials and other information. The point of contact is Dr. Fatma M. Helmy, Professor of Biology and Director of the MARC Program.

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A Letter of Intent has been appended to the MOU with the University of Cheikh Anta Diop identifying several areas of common interest including research and teaching activities, faculty exchange and collaborative grant development. The Letter of Intent provides for a study abroad program which focuses on language acquisition in Pulaar/Fulani, Arabic, French and language translation. The study abroad program began in the summer of 2007. The points of contacts are Dr. Aziz-Abdul Diop, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of English and Foreign Languages, Dr. Oriaku Nwosu, Professor in the Department of English and Foreign Languages, and Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs.

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Serbia & Montenegro

DSU has Memoranda of Understanding with three universities in Serbia and Montenegro: the University of Belgrade, the University of Nis and the University of Novi Sad. These partnerships provide for exchange of students and scholars, seminars and conferences, collaborative fund-seeking efforts and degree programs. The partnership with the University of Novi Sad began in the areas of engineering (telecommunications, applied mathematics). The partnership with the University of Nis will start with a focus on electronic engineering (applied mathematics, theoretical electrical engineering, automatic control, computer science, telecommunications, and microelectronics), medicine, physics, biology and natural protection and education. The partnership with the University of Belgrade includes organizational sciences, information systems and technology, statistics and operational research. Advance stages of this partnership include transport and traffic engineering, railway, waterway, and airway transport, postal and telecommunication traffic and networks and logistics. The point of contact is Dr. Dragoljub Prokrajac, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics.

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South Africa

DSU is corresponding with the University of Zululand. The conceptual framework provides opportunities for students and faculty to engage in research in mathematics, a wide range of disciplines in humanities and social sciences, and public health. The partnership protocol will also encourage a semester abroad program and exploring and securing joint funding.

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Delaware State University is corresponding with the University of Coruna regarding an international visiting student program. The partnership, once solidified, will offer Spanish language summer courses for DSU students and teaching staff.

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Trinidad and Tobago

The Letter of Intent executed with the University of the West Indies in St. Augustine provides for study abroad opportunities, faculty exchange, joint research activity and collaborative grant development, professional development for academic staff, and the exchange of academic material and other information. Disciplinary areas include business administration and management, international relations, and Caribbean studies. Students are encouraged to participate in summer and semester abroad programs. The point of contact is Ms. Candace Moore, Director of International Student Services and Scholars.

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The MOU processed through the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation and supported by the United States Agency for International Development with Makerere University Institute of Public Health and DSU’s College of Health and Public Policy provides a unique opportunity for both institutions to review and document critical aspects of past and existing malaria control policy in Uganda. Under this partnership, DSU undergraduate and graduate students participated in a groundbreaking study of the effectiveness of a new malaria protocol. Students worked with and through the Ministry of Health, USAID/Uganda, district health services offices and a host of key stakeholders who work extensively on the prevention and treatment of malaria. DSU students shadow graduate students at Makerere Univeristy Institute of Public Health who are in the research phase of completing their MPH and DPH degrees. Students gain invaluable experience in the design and implementation of practical field research and receive credit toward their degrees. The points of contact are Dr. Lisa Barkley, Dean, College of Health and Public Policy, and Dr. John L. Graham, Assistant Vice President for International Affairs.

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United Kingdom

An MOU with the American University in London mandates a variety of cooperative activities including joint research projects and exchange of scholars and students, joint seminars and conferences and joint funding opportunities. The partnership will begin in the MBA executive and hospitality industry management programs. An international field course has also been proposed. The point of contact is Dr. Raj Parikh, Professor of Accounting and Finance.

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The College of Business is near completion of a partnership with the National University of Vietnam to teach MBA courses in Hanoi and Haiphong with the prospect of adding other sites in later phases of the program. A majority of the core courses for the MBA would be taught by DSU faculty in lectures over a two-week period, allowing students to complete their assignments electronically over the following five weeks. The partnership would also provide summer study abroad opportunities for DSU students. The points of contact are Dr. Raj Parikh, Professor of Accounting and Finance and Mr. Keshor Sheth, Director, MBA Program.

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