January 16, 2009

Earth / Space


Science | Students | Research | Earth / Space | Grants / Awards:  Grad student wins Astronomy Achievement Award

Hwihyun Kim, a graduate student in the School of Earth and Space Exploration, was named the recipient of the prestigious Chambliss Astronomy Student Achievement Award.


Earth / Space:  Ancient oceans reveal secrets on survival of life

Scientists at ASU are studying how the distribution of elements on Earth – or beyond – shapes the distribution of life, the state of the environment and the course of evolution.


Earth / Space:  Mars scientist wins distinguished award

Philip Christensen's work on the geology and mineralogy of Mars has earned the Geological Society of America's prestigious G. K. Gilbert Award.


Earth / Space:  ASU Mars instrument gets new lease on life

ASU's THEMIS Mars camera will produce high-quality data as NASA extends Mars Odyssey's mission and changes its orbit.


University | Science | Earth / Space:  NASA picks ASU team to guide study of search for life

NASA has selected ASU as one of 10 new NASA Astrobiology Institute teams, with the intent of boosting extraterrestrial exploration by refining the criteria that guide the search for life.


University | Research | Earth / Space:  Mercury's surface dominated by volcanic activity

Volcanism has played a more extensive role in shaping the surface of Mercury than previously thought, according to imaging data gathered by the MESSENGER spacecraft.


Earth / Space:  Mars rover finds Yellowstone-like hot spring deposits

An ASU designed mineral-scouting camera is pointing scientists toward an ancient Martian hydrothermal system like those in Yellowstone National Park.


Earth / Space:  Renowned cosmologist to champion origins initiative at ASU

Lawrence Krauss, renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist, is assuming a leadership role at ASU in an emerging research and educational initiative on “origins.”


Earth / Space:  ASU duo develops framework for Earth’s interior

A new model developed by a team of ASU researchers is piecing together different, and often conflicting, hypotheses to deliver a clearer picture of the motion of the earth’s mantle.


Earth / Space:  Mars salt deposits point way to ancient life

ASU's Mars-orbiting camera, THEMIS, has captured the first evidence of salts on Mars. These deposits may provide evidence for the existence of former Martian life.