Remarks by Secretary Paige Kicking Off National Charter Schools Week at SAIL (School for Learning in Arts) Charter School in Washington, D.C.
Archived Information

May 3, 2004
  Contact: (202) 401-1576

Thank you for sharing your school with us today. We're here today to kick off National Charter School Week! This is an important week. Schools like SAIL, and so many other charter schools, are helping to change the way we educate kids. I want to send a special welcome to all of the charter school students, teachers, administrators and parents who are watching this webcast around the nation.

On three, let me hear all of you out there say, "Charter schools!" One, two, three ... "Charter schools!"

Charter schools are creative, innovative and accountable. And charter schools are so successful that most of them have waiting lists. Parents who choose charter schools want the same thing as all parents—for their children to go to a school that gives them a great education.

And when it comes to great schools, we knew there was no better place to come than SAIL! Right?

You should know that Principal Morton, your teachers, your parents and this school's founders came together because they wanted you to get the best education possible. They knew that learning would open doors for you to be able to do whatever you could dream of doing.

One of you might even become president someday! Do you think any of you would want that job?

Or you might even get my job! When I was young like you, I never imagined that I would become the secretary of education.

Washington, D.C. is a long way from my hometown. I grew up in a small town in Mississippi called Monticello. It's so small that you've probably never even heard of it.

But even though I didn't grow up in a big city like you, I could go anywhere I wanted in the world when I read books. Through stories, I could visit faraway places and meet all kinds of interesting people.

I want you to do two things. First, make sure you read more than you watch TV! Books and stories will help you through all the tough challenges that you'll face when you grow up. And they'll take you anywhere you want to go in the world. Do you think you can read more than you watch TV?

Second, listen to your teachers! They came to SAIL because they believe in you. They want the best for you. They know that charter schools will allow them the innovation that makes education great. And they put in a lot of hard work, because in a charter school, everyone has to pitch in to get things done. So, do you think you can listen to your teachers?

I thank all of you for coming to kick off National Charter School Week. With more innovative programs and dedicated educators like those here at SAIL, I know we could create great schools for all children.

Thank you.

Last Modified: 05/05/2004