United States Department of Veterans Affairs


HERC offers two opportunities to learn about cost data and economic research. The Health Economics Cyber Seminars feature presentations on a variety of health economics and health services topics, and the Health Economics Course describes methods of economic evaluation of health care with special reference to VA datasets. Topics include cost measurement (direct measurement, fee schedules, cost regressions), VA and non-VA cost and utilization data sources (OPC/PTF, DSS, CDR, pharmacy data, and more), methods of economic evaluation (managerial studies and the standard CEA reference case), modeling and measurement of health care outcomes, and patient utilities.

You are invited to attend any or all of the free sessions. Both the Cyber Seminars and the Course take place through conference calls with interactive, web-based slide presentations.

Click on the links below for information on how to register, and to view archives of past Cyber Seminars and Courses.

  1. Health Economics Cyber Seminars

    [ Learn more about our cyber seminars ]

  2. Health Economics Course

    [ Learn more about our health economics course ]

  3. Alternatives to the HERC course for non-VA researchers

    [ Learn more about alternatives to the HERC course ]