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Mediate.com Publications Announces the Publication of: "Eye of the Storm Leadership. 150 Ideas, Stories, Quotes, and Exercises on the Art and Politics of Managing Human Conflicts, " by Peter Adler, Ph.D., 2008

Peter S. Adler, Ph.D. is President of The Keystone Center (www.keystone.org), which builds applied, consensus-based solutions to complex energy, environmental and health-related problems. Prior to his appointment at Keystone, Adler held executive positions with the Hawaii Justice Foundation and the Hawaii Supreme Court. He served as President of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, teaches and trains, and has authored numerous publications.

Excerpts from Eye of the Storm Leadership

Eye of the storm “The biggest collective challenges we seem to face –- balancing freedom and security, maintaining economic and environmental sustainability, educating our young people, and assuring the health of those who cannot take care of themselves -- crisscross all previous borders, jurisdictions, and purviews. Most institutions, agencies, and organizations aren’t up to the task.”

eye of the storm bullet “The political eye of the storm is a peculiar vantage point, a center to things, a calm place where turbulence waxes and wanes around you, where gales arise and dissipate, where pyrotechnics terrify and energize, where harm and possibility occur in the same instance, where matters circulate for a time, and then fade away. The eye of the storm is not for everyone. If you practice being there or find comfort in it, you can use it to good ends and enjoy the intimacy of being part of the exercise of power. If not, find some other line of work.”

eye of the storm bullet “There is no permanent place called “peace,” no special haven that is beyond the commotion and tumult of conflict, unless you find it in yourself of course. On the other hand, there are moments in the aftermath of storms that are peaceful. The mysteries of small things are illuminated. For a moment we are allowed to explore and understand the exquisite delicacy of certain experiences, the hardness of suffering, the joy of good fortune, the happiness of children, the bitterness of failure. If conflict doesn’t wear you down and dull you to stump-like passivity, conflict will sharpen you.”


Eye of the Storm Leadership

Purchase the DVD and CD and you also receive online web center access for a year, all for only $79.95.

Or purchase a year of unlimited web center access to all information and video (no DVD or CD) for only $39.95.

Admin@Mediate.com | 541-345-1629

"...This is a book of delicious stories. The book leaves the reader with hope, optimism and the belief that problem-solvers in groups and communities really CAN bring about positive change.”

—Susan Chandler, PhD, Director, Institute for Public Policy, University of Hawaii

What Others Say…

“Adler's spare prose and ‘straight talk’ engage the reader in a joint exercise evaluating the way leaders deal with problems. His quick paced style avoids the pit-falls of over-blown, tendentious prose that marks so many ‘leadership’ books.”
—Stephen Ramsey, VP, General Electric Co.

“Democracy requires us to bring different people together to solve problems and achieve a common vision. Adler’s book gives us practical and inspirational tools for doing this. This is must-reading for elected and appointed leaders in the public sector.”
—Kathleen Sebelius, Governor, State of Kansas

“Peter Adler says: ‘Leaders without stories are like food without flavor.’ This is a book of delicious stories. The book leaves the reader with hope, optimism and the belief that problem-solvers in groups and communities really CAN bring about positive change.”
—Susan Chandler, PhD, Director, Institute for Public Policy, University of Hawaii

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