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Drought Watch

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Drought (USGS Open-File Report 93-642)
On-line report describes drought, its causes and effects.
Download the report in PDF format (file size 80k; requires Adobe Acrobat).

What Is Ground Water?(USGS Open-File Report 93-643)
On-line USGS report explains basic concepts about ground water

USGS Water-Resources Publications and Products
How to find on-line and printed USGS reports, fact sheets, posters, software, educational materials

Hydrology Primer
On-line guide explains basic hydrology, surface water, ground water concepts

The Hydrologic Cycle
Illustration shows the water cycle, from ocean, to the air, to land, and back to the sea

Rain: A Water Resource
On-line guide to rain, rainfall measurements and equivalents

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Page maintained by John Clemens,, 253-552-1635
Last modified June 24, 2001
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