Maintaining a safe and healthy nursery industry in the Northwest
A comprehensive resource about P. ramorum
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Although P. ramorum was only named and characterized a few years ago, much has been learned about the organism and how to manage it.

Please click on the links below for additional information that may be relevant to your needs:

Helpful Information on Phytophthora ramorum for Production Nursery Staff & Their Customers -- A useful Q & A for wholesalers developed by the Oregon Association of Nurseries.

Helpful Information on Phytophthora ramorum for
 Garden Center and Retail Staff --
A useful Q & A for retailers developed by the Oregon Association of Nurseries.

Sudden Oak Death in Oregon -- "Phytophthora ramorum: A guide for Oregon nurseries" is a publication from Oregon State University Extension Service that examines the biology and pathology of ramorum leaf blight and stem die back. Includes color photos of infected plants. This eight page publication and other useful information from Oregon State University Extension Service is available for download here.

Sudden Oak Death Management Recommendations -- The California Oak Mortality Task Force has developed a number of publications with useful information and best management practices regarding P. ramorum. Follow this link and click on the "Management Practices" button to download these publications.

Subdue MAXX from Syngenta earns label for use in Oregon to control Phythophthora ramorum View the Section 24(c) Special Local Need Label for this foliar-applied product.

Copyright 2004