Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices

by the WBDG Sustainable Committee

Last updated: 10-14-2008


No matter how sustainable a building may have been in its design and construction, it can only remain so if it is operated responsibly and maintained properly. The use of toxic cleaning products can deteriorate indoor air quality; failure to test sensor control points can compromise energy efficiency; and poor training can lead to early system failures. Buildings must be operated and maintained with the security, safety, health, comfort, and productivity of their occupants in mind, and with an understanding of the next generation's need to reuse and recycle building components. To the extent possible, select systems that are easily maintained. Ensure operation and maintenance personnel are part of the project planning and development process.

Throughout the building's life cycle, operations and maintenance should seek to:


Train Building Occupants, Facilities Managers, and Maintenance Staff in Sustainability Principles and Methods

Employ Environmentally Preferable Landscaping Practices

Purchase Cleaning Products and Supplies that are Resource-Efficient and Non-Toxic

Use Automated Monitors and Controls for Energy, Water, Waste, Temperature, Moisture, and Ventilation Monitors and Controls

Reduce Waste Through Source Reduction and Recycling

Support Practices that Encourage Sustainable Transportation or Minimize Travel

Relevant Codes and Standards

Major Resources


Building / Space Types

Applicable to most building types and space types.

Design Objectives

Aesthetics, Functional / Operational, Historic Preservation—Update Building Systems Appropriately, Productive, Productive—Assure Reliable Systems and Spaces, Productive—Design for the Changing Workplace, Productive—Promote Health and Well-Being, Productive—Provide Comfortable Environments, Secure / Safe—Ensure Occupant Safety and Health, Sustainable—Optimize Site Potential, Sustainable—Optimize Energy Use, Sustainable—Protect and Conserve Water, Sustainable—Use Environmentally Preferable Products, Sustainable—Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality

Products and Systems

Building Envelope Design Guide—Sustainability of the Building Envelope
Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers:

Project Management

Building Commissioning


LEED® Version 2.1 Credit / WBDG Resource Page Matrix, LEED®-DoD Antiterrorism Standards Tool

Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices

Train Building Occupants, Facilities Managers, and Maintenance Staff in Sustainability Principles and Methods

Employ Environmentally Preferable Landscaping Practices

Purchase Cleaning Products and Supplies that are Resource-Efficient and Non-Toxic

Use Automated Monitors and Controls for Energy, Water, Waste, Temperature, Moisture, and Ventilation Monitors and Controls

Reduce Waste Through Source Reduction and Recycling

Support Practices that Encourage Sustainable Transportation or Minimize Travel


WBDG Services Construction Criteria Base