March 04, 2009



Engineering | Life Science:  Team adds ‘cyber tools’ to plant biology effort

An ASU team is helping develop the “cyberinfrastructure” for the iPlant Collaborative, a project aimed at answering the most challenging questions in plant biology.


Engineering | Faculty and Staff:  Squires to lead engineering unit

ASU's Kyle Squires is stepping into his new position as chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.


Engineering | Faculty and Staff | Earth / Space:  Spanias to lead NSF-funded project

ASU's Andreas Spanias is leading a collaborative project, funded by the National Science Foundation, to develop a software program designed to aid earth science research.


Engineering | Faculty and Staff:  Palais earns 1st Jankowski Legacy Award

ASU is honoring engineering professor Joseph Palais for his significant contributions in advancing the engineering school’s mission.


University | Engineering:  Grant targets medical research

ASU researchers are working to reduce preventable medical errors that cause tens of thousands of deaths in the United States each year.


Engineering | Students:  Engineering students give Phoenix some shade

ASU engineering students are showing how Phoenix can be remade for shade.


University | Engineering | Law | Humanities:  ASU colleges collaborate on ethics project

A team of faculty and students are addressing the growing lag between emerging technologies, and the policies and ethics that govern them.


Students | Community | Engineering:  ASU students give vet new home

A group of ASU construction students are getting their shot at a hands-on education – and the chance to thank a war veteran for all he has given to his country.


Business | Engineering:  New degree melds business, engineering

ASU is responding to an expanding global marketplace where a diverse skill set is in greater demand.


University | Engineering:  School of Construction builds academic repertoire

The construction industry’s demand for a more educated work is driving ASU’s Del E. Webb School of Construction to expand its academic programs.