ACLS American Council of Learned Societies |

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Information for International Applicants

ACLS supports several programs for international non-U.S. scholars and U.S. scholars collaborating with international scholars:

  • With financial support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, ACLS announces the first competition of the African Humanities Program, which will fund dissertation completion for doctoral candidates in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda, and early-career postdoctoral research and writing for scholars in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. 
  • With funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the ACLS Humanities Program in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine continues its ambitious initiative to support humanities scholars doing exemplary work in the former Soviet Union during a time of crisis, so as to assure continued future leadership in the humanities.
  • With funding from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, the ACLS administers a program supporting conferences and publications on "New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society." This program will award funds in support of planning meetings, workshops, and/or conferences leading to publication on scholarly volumes.

Other ACLS fellowship programs open to non-U.S. citizens include:

ACLS fellowship programs open to non-U.S. citizens affiliated with U.S. institutions include:

ACLS is affiliated with the following centers and programs encouraging international research:

  • The Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam (CEEVN) administers and supports educational and academic exchanges between Vietnam and the United States. It has been affiliated with the ACLS since 1994.
  • ACLS continues its support of the Beijing office of the Committee on Scholarly Communication with China (CSCC), which is sponsored by the ACLS, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Social Science Research Council.
  • ACLS, in cooperation with the Social Science Research Council, supports various research and planning activities to encourage research on specific countries or regions of the world, as well as comparative and transnational research projects. The ACLS/SSRC International Program continues work formerly carried out by the ACLS/SSRC Joint Area Studies Committees.

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Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam (CEEVN)

CEEVN administers and supports educational and academic exchanges between Vietnam and the United States. It has been affiliated with ACLS since 1994.

American Council of Learned Societies