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Food safety on back burner - A nationwide salmonella outbreak attributed to tomatoes comes just as Congress and President Bush are finishing a tug of war over their farm bill, which omits some of the highest-profile food-safety proposals that lawmakers once offered. ...
Let Them Eat Kale: Schools Get Serious about Nutrition - With America’s kids in danger of becoming obese, a growing number of schools are thinking outside the lunchbox. ...
Feeding the locavores - Rising demand for locally grown food has created challenges for Southwest Virginia farmers. ...
Do food miles matter? - The benefits of eating locally grown food may not extend to curbing global warming, according to a comprehensive study of greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. food. ...
Do food miles matter? - The benefits of eating locally grown food may not extend to curbing global warming, according to a comprehensive study of greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. food. ...
Local farmers join movement to save seeds, protect agriculture diversity - Hundreds of feet inside a frozen mountain, billions of seeds from all over the planet are being stored in the hope of protecting our precious biodiversity from war, environmental disasters and bad agricultural practices. If the crops we depend on are ...
Shoppers Prefer Locally-Grown Food, Study Finds - A new study finds that grocery store and farmers market shoppers, in general, are willing to shell out more money for locally-grown foods than they would for the same product trucked, shipped or flown in from farther away. ...
Food Forecasts: Where Will We Be in 30 Years? - Trend watchers at the Institute for Alternative Futures have taken a careful look at the global food system and predicted what the future may hold. Hold on to your hats – we are in for a bumpy ride. Driving all these forecasts is the overriding ...
About Farmers, Without Farmers- On the food summit - Record high food prices and their impact on poor countries will dominate the three-day UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) summit of world leaders that opened Tuesday in Rome. But the solutions to the food crisis cannot be left to governments ...
Cheap Food in the City? Grow Your Own - As food prices continue to rise, many urbanites are beginning to share Fairman's reasoning. From Boston to Seattle, municipal officials and community organizers are finding an increased demand for plots in community gardens as more residents look to ...
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"Today, more than ever, we need to understand where our food comes from and how it reaches us. The purpose of Nourish is to open a broad public conversation about our food system that encourages citizen engagement, particularly among young people and families." -- WorldLink
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Food and Society 2009
Fairmont Hotel San Jose
Downtown San Jose, CA
April 20-23, 2009

Seize the moment,
Seed this day:
Speak our visions
And act together.

Captemos el momento,
Sembremos este día:
Démosle voz a nuestros sueños,
Y actuemos juntos.

More information about this year’s gathering will be posted in February 2009.

To learn more about what happened at the 2008 gathering, access the conference site here.

Thank you for your interest in Food and Society.


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