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Welcome to Foundations, the section of the NCWD/Youth website containing research and literature reviews, evaluation summaries, and seminal research and practice documents relating to workforce development and youth with disabilities. NCWD/Youth saves you time by banking important documents that make a difference in the policy and practice. Each entry includes the title, publication reference, a brief summary of its contents, and a web link to the full text of the document or, if the document is not available online, its publisher. Entries will be added on an ongoing basis and will be searchable through keywords.

  1. Title: Employer attitudes toward workers with disabilities and their ADA employment rights: A literature review - Americans with Disabilities Act
    Source Information: Hernandez, B., Keys, C., & Balcazar, F. (2000). Employer attitudes toward workers with disabilities and their ADA employment rights: A literature review - Americans with Disabilities Act. Journal of Rehabilitation, 66, 4, 4-16.
    Web Link:

  2. Title: Finding funding: A guide to federal sources for workforce development initiatives
    Source Information: Relave, N. & Mendes, E. (2005). Finding funding: A guide to federal sources for workforce development initiatives. Washington, DC: The Finance Project.
    Web Link:

  3. Title: The forgotten half revisited: American youth and young families, 1988-2008
    Source Information: Halperin, S. (1998). The forgotten half revisited: American youth and young families, 1988-2008. Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
    Web Link:

  4. Title: Including youth with disabilities in educational reform: Lessons learned from School-to-Work states
    Source Information: Chadsey, J., Leach, L., & Shelden, D. (2001). Including youth with disabilities in educational reform: Lessons learned from School-to-Work states. Champaign, Illinois: Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
    Web Link:

  5. Title: Longitudinal postschool outcomes of youth with disabilities: Findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study
    Source Information: Blackorby, J., & Wagner, M. (1996). Longitudinal postschool outcomes of youth with disabilities: Findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study. Exceptional Children, 62, 5, 399-413.
    Web Link:

  6. Title: MORE things that DO make a difference for youth: A compendium of evaluations of youth programs and practices
    Source Information: James, D.W., & Jurich, S. (1999). MORE things that DO make a difference for youth: A compendium of evaluations of youth programs and practices. Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
    Web Link:

  7. Title: National standards and quality indicators: Transition toolkit for systems improvement
    Source Information: National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (2005). National standards and quality indicators: Transition toolkit for systems improvements. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center for Secondary Education and Transition.
    Web Link:

  8. Title: Postsecondary education for students with learning disabilities: A synthesis of the literature
    Source Information: Mull, C., Sitlington, P. L., & Alper, S. (2001). Postsecondary education for students with learning disabilities: A synthesis of the literature. Exceptional Children, 68, 1, 97-116.
    Web Link:

  9. Title: Promising practices: Building collaboration in systems of care
    Source Information: Hodges, S., Nesman, T. & Hernandez, M. (1999). Promising practices: Building collaboration in systems of care, Volume VI. (Systems of Care Promising Practices in Mental Health, 1998 Series). Washington, D.C.: Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice, American Institutes for Research.
    Web Link:

  10. Title: Promising practices in wraparound for children with Serious Emotional Disturbance and their families
    Source Information: Burns, B.J., & Goldman, S.K. (Eds.) (1999). Promising practices in wraparound for children with Serious Emotional Disturbance and their families, Volume IV. (Systems of Care Promising Practices in Mental Health, 1998 Series). Washington, DC: Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice, American Institutes for Research.
    Web Link:

  11. Title: SOME things DO make a difference for youth: A compendium of evaluations of youth programs and practices
    Source Information: James, D.W. (1997). SOME things DO make a difference for youth: A compendium of evaluations of youth programs and practices. Washington, DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
    Web Link:

  12. Title: Transition and post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities: Closing the gaps to post-secondary education and employment
    Source Information: National Council on Disability (2000). Transition and post-school outcomes for youth with disabilities: Closing the gaps to post-secondary education and employment. Washington, DC: National Council on Disability, Social Security Administration.
    Web Link:

  13. Title: What works: Promoting positive youth development in your community
    Source Information: Murphey, D. (2000). What works: Promoting positive youth development in your community. Waterbury, VT: Vermont Agency of Human Services, Planning Division.
    Web Link:

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