Animal health and welfare

Homepage > Animal health & welfare > BSE > Links

BSE: Links

Note: The links below will take you to information that is not held on the Defra Internet site.  Defra is not responsible for the information contained on these sites.

Department for Agriculture and Rural Development - Northern Ireland - DARD

Environment Agency

Food Standards Agency - FSA [open site specific links]

Office of Public Service Information - OPSI

Meat and Livestock Commission - MLC

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency - MHRA

Welsh Assembly Government Department for Environment, Planning and Countryside

Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department - SEERAD

Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee - SEAC

Veterinary Laboratory Agency - VLA

Veterinary Medicines Directorate - VMD


Non-UK Government Departments


The Czech Republic

State Veterinary Administration


Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries

The European Union


Maa- Ja Metsätalousministeriö
Finnish text only


Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation, de la Pêche et des Affaires Rurales
French text only


Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture

The Netherlands

Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij
Dutch text only

The Republic of Ireland

Department of Agriculture and Food


Veterinarska Uprava Republike Slovenije


Swiss Federal Veterinary Office - SFVO




Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia - AFFA


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - APHIS

Department of Agriculture

Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Food and Drug Administration - FDA


British Medical Journal - BMJ

New Scientist

The Lancet

Research and Surveillance

Rosin Institute

Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA)

UK TSE Research Portfolio (via MRC website)

Strategy for R&D on human and animal health aspects of TSEs 2005-2008

Office International des Epizootes - OIE

Page last reviewed: 19 March 2008
Page last modified: 19 March 2008

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs