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BSE: Publications

Report on current and future surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy

This report (PDF), which was published on 17 November 2008, was produced at the request of the Food Standards Agency and addresses both risk assessment and risk management for current and future BSE surveillance.

BSE: Monthly report on measures taken by the UK

Reports on the application of the protective measures taken against BSE in accordance with national and European Community provisions. Prepared and submitted to the European Commission in accordance with Article 15 of Council Decision 98/256. These reports are available in PDF logo format.

  • On 2 May 2006, Regulation (EC) No.657/2006 came into force, repealing Council Decision 98/256/EC. This removed the requirement for the UK to provide monthly reports of its BSE control measures, to the European Commission.

BSE statistics are available.

TSEs in Great Britain - A Progress Report (previously BSE Progress Report)

Advisory notes for farmers

  • BSE - These updated notes PDF logo (403 KB) contain advice on what to do upon identifying a BSE suspect animal. Welsh language version PDF logo (370 KB).

End of free collection and disposal service for fallen cattle aged over 24 months

Research into sheep TSEs

Reports of two independent audits into an experiment undertaken at the Institute for Animal Health to help establish whether BSE might have been present in the sheep flock in the early 1990s and masked by scrapie have been published. Reports of the audits carried out by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) PDF logo (186 KB) and an independent risk assessment company Risk Solutions PDF logo (720 KB), are available. A response from the Institute for Animal Health PDF logo (29 KB) to issues raised in the reports is also available.

Assessment of risk due to BSE infectivity from disposal of sheep

At SEAC's meeting in November 2001, SEAC considered a risk assessment by DNV consulting to assess the potential risk to BSE infectivity from the disposal of sheep. This was commissioned by Defra and will input into the contingency plan PDF logo (87 KB) on possible actions that could be taken if BSE was identified in the UK sheep flock.

Summary of the results of scrapie surveillance in sheep in Great Britain

Other online publications

UK strategy for research and development on human and animal health aspects of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) 2005 - 2008

In consultation with scientists working in the area of TSE research the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), Defra, the Department of Health (DH), the Food Standards Agency (FSA), and the Medical Research Council (MRC) have jointly published a strategy for research and development PDF logo (3.6 MB - Please note that this is a very large file). An unillustrated version PDF logo (447 KB) is also available for easier download.

This strategy highlights the major scientific uncertainties relating to TSEs and how well these will be addressed by the research and development strategies of the major funders.

The formal consultation period has now closed but the MRC would always be interested to hear your views. Please send these to:

A summary of responses PDF logo (24 KB) to the consultation exercise has been produced.

BSE Enforcement Bulletin - Published from August 1996 until January 2002. The monthly BSE Enforcement Bulletin described the ongoing rigorous enforcement of the BSE controls. Regular features in the Bulletin included results of audits of the SRM controls and the feed sampling programme. The publication also included details of BSE-related prosecutions and news items. The data previously included in these Bulletins is not collated into one publication any more, but is available at various locations on this site and the Food Standards Agency website. Copies of previously published Enforcement Bulletins are available upon request.

The Review of the Origins of BSE (July 2001) - A report PDF logo (252 KB) by Professor Horn.

Review of the Evidence of the Occurrence of ‘BARB’ BSE cases in Cattle

An independent review PDF logo (177 KB) by Professor William Hill FRS, of the University of Edinburgh, examined the possible reasons for the cases of BSE occurring since the reinforced feed ban in 1996 together with the control measures being applied by the government.

Defra response PDF logo (55 KB) to the Hill Review.

Report On Current & Future Surveillance For Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

On 15 October 2008, the Food Standards Agency asked Defra to provide a report on current and future BSE surveillance. This report PDF logo (960 KB) by Patrick Burke BVM&S MRCVS, Defra Veterinary Advisor, addresses both risk assessment and risk management.

The following publications are available from Defra Publications or The Stationery Office unless otherwise stated.

Animal Health 1998: Report of the Chief Veterinary Officer
TSO, 1999 A4 vi, 119pp
ISBN 0112430503 £23.00

Beef Production Systems to Enable Cattle to be Finished by 30 Months of Age

Written by ADAS beef specialists for MAFF, this booklet is aimed at all beef producers in the wake of the BSE crisis and the subsequent requirement for some producers to finish their cattle before 30 months of age. It is particularly aimed at those who have traditionally finished older cattle because they have more extensive systems or have been involved in finishing traditional British breeds.
MAFF, 1996 A4 5pp
PB2758 Free

Consultative Committee on Research into Spongiform Encephalopathies:  Interim Report (The Tyrrell report)

The Consultative Committee, under the chairmanship of Dr D.A.J. Tyrrell, was asked to advise MAFF and the Department of Health on needs and priorities in research on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. This interim report identified key research questions concerning BSE and recommended that substantial new resources be provided for the new work identified as having highest priority.
MAFF, 1989 A4 20pp
PB0418 £3.95

Report of the Working Party on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (The Southwood report)
DoH, 1989
ISBN 1851974059 £2.00



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Page last reviewed: 12 January 2009
Page last modified: 12 January, 2009

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs