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The ECHO is a publication provided by Delaware State University for the alumni and friends of the university.  The Echo is produced collaboratively by the Offices of Alumni Affairs, Public Relations, Development, Marketing and Sports Information.

The ECHO is a  published up to 3 times a year and is available to all alumni who maintain up to date mailing information through the Office of Alumni Affairs.

Alumni and friends are invited and encouraged to send news of personal achievements and other milestones for inclusion in The ECHO.  All items submitted for print will be edited.

Please submit news items to:
Office of Alumni Affairs
Delaware State University
1200 N. Dupont Highway
Dover, DE 19901-2277
FAX to: 302-857-6052
E-MAIL to: alumni@desu.edu

If you have not recently received a copy of The ECHO, please send in your contact information.  Keep abreast of news of your alma mater.