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The Louisiana 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology (SET) Board has created a photography club group on flickr. Check it out! The purpose of this Flickr group is to allow 4-H members to post photos they have taken that are 4-H-related or just neat photos they have taken in general. Some photos may have the potential to be used on the Louisiana 4-H website! There is also a discussion board so that members can chat with one another and get critiques on their photos. A photo competition is hosted once a month and the theme varies. For example, the theme for September was “Black and White.” Once the month is over, voting will start for the entries. The person that receives the most votes will have their photo posted on the Louisiana 4-H website along with the Rovin’ Clover newsletter.


October Photo Contest Winner
October Winner, Gabe Stelly, St. Landry Parish

Winner of the October Photo Contest hosted by the Louisiana 4-H SET board on Flickr.

September Photo Contest Winner
Cameron Durham

September Photo Contest Winner