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Career Services Roadmap

  • Confused about choice of major
  • Unable to identify vocational interests
  • Career Assessment Program
  • Individual Career Coaching
  • Library Resources
  • Considering changing major
  • Thinking about minors
  • Unclear about career possibilities
  • Lacking knowledge of skills required for a career
  • Needing confirmation of a career or a major
  • Career Awareness Workshop
  • Careers Exploration Day
  • Library Resources
  • Computerized career information programs
  • Needing planning assistance
  • Confused about effective use of elective credits
  • Seeking a part-time career related job
  • Individual Career Coaching
  • Job listing Bulletin
  • Needing resume writing advice
  • Wanting to improve interview skills
  • Looking for companies conducting interviews on campus
  • Applying to graduate school or for an education position
  • Employment Workshops
  • Campus Interview Program
  • Credential File
  • Individual Career Coaching
  • Monthly Recruiting Bulletin
  • Considering returning to college
  • Feeling blocked in current work
  • Individual Career Coaching