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Bans on Television Advertising to Children

In Europe, a number of laws curb television advertising aimed at children. In Sweden and Norway, television advertisements are not permitted on programs directed specifically to children under the age of twelve. Holland bans sponsorship of ads between children's programming; Ireland has imposed a ban on ads on late afternoon television; and the Flemish region of Belgium operates similar restrictions. Greece does not permit toy advertisement on television.


  • Norway Ban on Advertising to Children
    Advertising shall not exceed 15 percent of broadcasters' daily transmission time. The King may make an exception to this rule for text handbills on local television. Advertising may not be broadcast in association with children's programming or directed specifically to children. Broadcasters may not transmit advertisements containing political messages on television. The King may propose additional regulations regarding the broadcast, content, scope, and supervision of advertising. More...
  • Sweden Ban on Advertising to Children
    Advertising during a TV broadcast may not have as its objective capturing the attention of children under 12 years of age. Advertisements may not come immediately before or after a program or a portion of a program which is oriented primarily to children under 12 years of age. More...

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