Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council Logo

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Contact Us

Steve Young
5617 5th St. S.
Arlington, VA 22204

Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council

The Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council (MA-EPPC) provides regional leadership to effectively address the threat of invasive plants to the native flora, fauna, and natural habitats of the Mid-Atlantic. The council coordinates regional efforts to gather and share information on the identification, management and prevention of invasive species, provide training and volunteer opportunities and to identify research needs. The Council is represented by members from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Mark your calendars!
The 5th Mid-Atlantic EPPC Conference:
August 11-12, 2009
University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown Campus, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Complicating factors in invasive plant management: Circumstances beyond our control?

Get involved with the MA-EPPC:

  • Learn which plant species are problematic and how to recognize them
  • Learn about the impacts of invasive plants and how to control them
  • Volunteer to help remove invasive plants from a park or natural area
  • Discover which native plants make great substitutes for invasive species
  • Teach your friends how to identify and manage invasive plants
  • Attend meetings and workshops to learn more about invasive species
  • What's New:

  • Maryland Invasive Plants Brochure
  • Flory, S.L. 2008. Management of Microstegium vimineum invasions and recovery of resident plant communities. In press, Restoration Ecology. (PDF)
  • Planting Guidance Brochure includes a spreadsheet of 20 woody and 20 herbaceous plants
  • You-Post-It feature! Now you can post your own volunteer activity, meeting, workshop or other event. Try it today! It's easy!
  • Invasive Plant Tutorial. The Invasive Exotic Plant (IEP) Management Tutorial for Natural Lands Managers provides a "one-stop-shop" for natural resource managers who are interested in organizing on-the-ground efforts to prevent, manage and control invasive plants.

    MA-EPPC Bookmark. Print the first page of this file, remove the paper from the printer, turn over, put it back and print the second page. You will now have 5 MA-EPPC bookmarks.

    Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plants List. 275 species of invasive plants have been reported to be impacting natural areas in this region. Impacts include displacing native plants and animals, reducing native species biodiversity, altering soil properties, water and light regimes, and destroying wildlife habitat. Examples of some of our worst invaders are shown below. Click on a picture to go to a fact sheet produced by the Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group.





    Ranunculus ficaria
    Lesser Celandine

    Berberis thunbergii - Japanese Barberry
    Japanese Barberry

    Ailanthus altissima - Tree of Heaven
    Tree of Heaven

     Ampelopsis brevipedunculata - Porcelain-berry

    Microstegium vimineum - Japanese Stiltgrass
    Japanese stiltgrass

    Lonicera sp. - Honeysuckles
    Bush Honeysuckle

    Paulownia tomentosa - Princess Tree
    Princess Tree

    Celastrus orbiculatus - Oriental Bittersweet
    Oriental Bittersweet

    Alliaria petiolata - Garlic Mustard
    Garlic Mustard

    Rosa multiflora - Multiflora Rose
    Multiflora Rose

    Broussonetia papyrifera - Paper Mulberry
    Paper Mulberry

    Hedera helix - English Ivy
    English Ivy