St. Paul Island, Alaska UV site


Station Information

Latitude:       57.09  N         Longitude:    170.13 W

Elevation:      8 m              Time Zone:     GMT-9

Site Operator

Mr. Wilford Burson
NOAA/National Weather Service
P.O. Box 125
St. Paul Island, AK 99672-1170

Tel: (907)546-2215
Fax: (907)546-2319

From June - October 1998, the BSI UV radiometer was located on the roof of the National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office, as seen in the following two pictures:

     Long view of the St. Paul BSI

     View from the St. Paul BSI

In February 1999, for safety reasons and at the request of the NWS Anchorage Regional Office, the UV instrument was redeployed approximately 50 m from the NWS Forecast Office on a makeshift wooden platform, about 2 feet high, and open in the middle to enable snow to blow into it and, ultimately, add stability.

     View to the south

     View to the northeast. In the background is Polovina Hill (elev. 470 feet), an extinct volcanic cinder cone

     View to the west

In early October 1999, a 9-foot meteorological tower was erected on an old telephone stump and is located approximately 75 m southeast of the NWS office. This became the permanent site for the UV instrument.

     Installation of the met tower in October 1999. Wilford Burson, the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of the NWS Forecast Office, is at the top. The building on the left side of the picture is the NWS Office and living quarters for two staff members and their families as well as transient quarters for visiting scientists and NWS technical support personnel. View is to the north-northwest

     View is to the south-southeast. A small lake (unnamed) is in the background.

In March 2000, upward- and downward-facing LI-COR photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensors were installed on the tower.

     First day´s installation of the LI-COR PAR sensors. That´s Renee Tatusko on the tower!

The following two pictures show the finished site as it looks today with the BSI instrument and the two LI-COR PAR sensors.

     View to the north. Polovina Hill in the background. Picture taken 6 August 2001.

     View to the south. Picture taken 6 August 2001.