GMD Site Description: ALT
CountryCountry Flag
Latitude:82.4508° North
Longitude:62.5056° West
Elevation: 200.00 masl
Time Zone: Local Time + 4 hour(s) = UTC

Atmospheric Transport
Most Recent Trajectory
Clustered summary of Trajectories

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Alert is the most northerly site in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Network. It is located on the northeastern tip of Ellesmere Island in Nunavut, far removed from the major industrial regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Alert is also the site of a military station (CFS Alert) staffed with around 60 personnel, and a MSC Upper Air Weather Station. The air chemistry observatory is located on a plateau about 6 km SSW of the main camp. The plateau rises abruptly to an elevation of about 200 m (with local hills rising to 500 m). The plateau forms the northern edge of the Hazen Plateau, which continues to rise to the south, reaching a typical elevation of 1000 m and extending through the central part of northern Ellesmere Island. The southeastern edge of the Hazen Plateau is defined by the 7500 km2 Agassiz Ice Cap, a permanent feature with a central elevation greater than 2000 m.

Southwest of Alert is the rugged United States range, with peaks exceeding 2500 m. The Greenland coast is 60 km east of Alert. The terrain in the immediate area of Alert is steeply rolling, on the order of 100-150 m above sea level, with frequent deep ravines and high cliffs. The land is covered with snow for almost ten months of the year. During the summer, the land is covered with a sparse covering of polar desert vegetation. Alert experiences 106 days of full darkness (October 30th to February 13th), 153 days of 24-hour daylight (April 7th to September 7th), and two 53-day transition periods with some diurnal cycle going from virtually total daylight to total darkness (and vice-versa).

The annual mean air temperature at the Observatory is -18°C and the monthly mean air temperature increases to 3°C in August and decreases to below -30°C from December to the end of March. The annual mean value of the wind velocity is 3.5 m s-1. The prevailing winds are SSE to WWS due to channelling by the mountainous regions of northern Ellesmere Island and Greenland. A more detailed meterological summary can be found in Hopper and Hart [1994].


Hopper, J.F. and W. Hart .Meteorological aspects of the 1992 Polar Sunrise Experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, (D12), 25315-25328, 1994.


GMD Projects at Alert, Nunavut

Carbon Cycle Surface Flasks
Cooperating Agency: Environment Canada/Meteorological Service of Canada

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Carbon Dioxide CO2 1985-06-10 2008-09-19
Methane CH4 1985-06-10 2008-09-19
Carbon Monoxide CO 1992-04-30 2008-09-19
Molecular Hydrogen H2 1992-04-30 2008-09-19
Nitrous Oxide N2O 1997-07-03 2008-09-19
Sulfur Hexafluoride SF6 1997-07-03 2008-09-19
Carbon-13/Carbon-12 in Carbon Dioxide d13C (CO2) 1992-04-30 2008-09-05
Oxygen-18/Oxygen-16 in Carbon Dioxide d18O (CO2) 1992-04-30 2008-09-05
Carbon-13/Carbon-12 in Methane d13C (CH4) 2000-08-11 2008-05-14
D/H in Methane dD (CH4) 2005-04-27 2008-07-23
methyl chloride CH3Cl 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
Benzene C6H6 2006-11-09 2008-02-22
toluene C7H8 2006-11-09 2008-02-22
ethane C2H6 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
ethene C2H4 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
propane C3H8 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
propene C3H6 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
i-butane i-C4H10 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
n-butane n-C4H10 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
i-pentane i-C5H12 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
n-pentane n-C5H12 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
n-hexane n-C6H14 2005-09-07 2008-02-22
wind speed 1992-07-03 2008-10-22
wind direction 1992-07-03 2008-10-22
ambient temperature 2004-08-05 2004-08-26
isoprene C5H8 2006-11-09 2008-02-06

HATS Flask Sampling

Aerosol Surface, Continuous Measurements

Continuous Radiation Measurements

Parameter Formula First Sample Date Most Recent Sample Date
Direct Beam 2004-08-13 Ongoing
Shortwave Global 2004-08-13 Ongoing
Diffuse 2004-08-13 Ongoing
Reflected Shortwave 2004-08-14 Ongoing
Downward Longwave 2004-08-13 Ongoing
Upward Longwave 2004-08-14 Ongoing
