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Professional Education & Leadership

Teacher Trainings: Key Issues | Rovers, Reward, Risk & the Red Planet | Climate Status Investigations | Sponsors | Scope of Work: Teacher Trainings | Curriculum Development Distribution | Public Sector Program: Hands on the Land

Professional Education & Leadership

Impacting education communities around the globe by developing and disseminating non-biased, hands-on, interdisciplinary curricula to educators through public, private and corporate partnerships with a view to improving education for all.

The development of the Professional Education and Leadership division grew out of the Center for Science and Public Policy’s belief that decision-makers need to truly understand the natural and environmental sciences. By providing hands-on, interdisciplinary education following a non-biased scientific framework to middle level teachers, their students, who are our future leaders, will have an awareness and better understanding of the natural world and thus be better prepared to solve complex issues. The first program of Professional Education & Leadership, Key Issues Institute began in 1992 with the goal of bringing environmental issues into the classroom and training educators to investigate these complex issues with their students. Over the years, this program has grown to accommodate approximately 60 teachers per session with three sessions held every summer.

In 2008, five teacher training sessions were hosted by The Keystone Center, including: 

  • Key Issues: Bringing Environmental Issues to the Classroom
  • CSI: Climate Status Investigations

Through sponsorships provided by corporations, foundation and organizations, educators attend these programs and bring the Professional Education & Leadership curriculum back to their classrooms for immediate implementation with their students. Following the development of an in-depth curriculum unit, Professional Education & Leadership staff can design teacher training Institutes ranging from a one day workshop to an eight day experience. These Institutes may be regional, national, or international depending on the scope of the project. 


  • Consists of teacher training on a Professional Education & Leadership-developed curriculum for a group of current educators.

  • Includes presentations on the most up-to-date information relating to the curriculum topic.

  • Teachers receive hands-on experience as the lesson plans are modeled during a workshop.

  • All of the necessary tools (lesson plans, software, labs, etc.) to implement the curriculum are provided to teachers upon completion of the training.

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