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Phytophthora kernoviae

Eradication and containment of P. kernoviae – division of responsibilities

Defra’s Plant Health Division (PHD) has overall policy and legislative responsibility for P. kernoviae relating to plants and plant produce in GB; liaison with direct stakeholders and interested parties at national level and for coordination of action across Defra. The Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate (PHSI) are responsible for enforcing all aspects of the policy; carrying out inspections, surveys, eradication campaigns and liaison with local Government and stakeholders.  The Central Science Laboratory provides scientific and technical advice/support to PHD/PHSI and carries out research and provides diagnostic services.

The Forestry Commission’s Plant Health Service has overall policy and legislative responsibility for all aspects of P. kernoviae relating to forest trees and wood.  Forest Research (an agency of FC) is responsible for research, scientific advice and diagnosis of P. kernoviae on trees.  Its Technical Support Unit carries out woodland surveys.  For information on the measures undertaken by the Forestry Commission and further guidance on the symptoms of the pathogen in trees please refer to the Forestry Commission website.

In February 2003 an interdepartmental Phytophthora ramorum Programme Board was formed with representatives from Defra, the Forestry Commission and the then Scottish Executive, together with their scientific support agencies.  The renamed Phytophthora Programme Board is responsible for co-ordinating action against  P. ramorum and P. kernoviae and commissioning associated research.  It is advised by a number of sub committees, including an Industry Liaison Group.


28 Oct 08

17 Jul 08

15 Jul 08

14 Jul 08

11 July 08

11 Jan 08

28 Nov 07

  • First suspect finding of Phytophthora kernoviae outside the UK reported from New Zealand. Further details on New Zealand website here

    29 Mar 06

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Page last modified: 28 Oct 2008
Page published: 21 Jul 2003

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs