HSA Research Grant

The Herb Society of America, Inc. (HSA) offers annual research grants to students, professionals, and individuals engaged in research on the horticultural, scientific, and/or social applications or use of herbs throughout history.


The HSA Research Grant is intended to support small, self-contained research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time. 

Allowable costs include:

  • Compensation for investigators
  • Professional and technical assistance
  • Research supplies and materials
  • Costs of computer time
Non-allowable costs include:
  • Indirect costs
  • Purchase or maintenance of durable computer, laboratory or office equipment
  • Expenses related to tuition, textbooks, or conference attendance 
  • Private garden development
  • Travel to/from research site
While it is not anticipated that a HSA Research Grant will completely fund a project, there should be no duplication or overlap of funding for specific budget items.

Successful applicants will be required to sign a Grant Acceptance Form prior to the award of a grant. The acceptance includes the following stipulations:

  • The grant is for a one-year period of work.
  • The maximum amount available is $5,000. The amount may be divided among projects, at the discretion of the Research Grants Committee.
  • One-half of the grant is paid at the outset of research. 
  • Every four (4) months, grantees must submit a brief progress report on work completed. When sufficient progress is demonstrated, succeeding grant payments can be made. 
  • A final report must be sent to the Research Grants Committee chairperson. Upon receipt of that report, the final payment can be made. Reports of research not yet accepted for publication are considered confidential. 
  • One paper about the project or the results must be submitted for use in a Society publication. 
  • Any publications using information obtained from Society funding shall give proper credit for financial support by HSA. However, HSA reserves the right to reject or accept credit in any publication resulting from the grant. 
  • If significant departures are made from the originally approved grant application or if the grantee cancels the project, immediate written notification must be sent to the Research Grants Committee chairperson. Based on this information or in the absence of an adequate final report, The Society reserves the right to terminate the grant and request a return of any portion of the grant not used for the intended purpose.

Application Procedure:

Requests for applications or information should be addressed to:

The Herb Society of America, Inc.
9019 Kirtland Chardon Rd.
Kirtland, OH 44094

Applications and proposals must be postmarked on or before January 31 to be considered for the current year. The original and 6 copies must be submitted.

Applications should include the following:

  • Application form
  • Professional vita, listing qualifications for this project, academic degrees and honors. Not to exceed two pages.
  • Methodology: an explanation of how you plan to complete the project, where the work will be done, what facilities and equipment are available. Not to exceed 500 words.
  • Budget: a detailed listing of all anticipated costs.
  • Schedule: a specific timeline for the project.

Grant Administration

  • All research proposals will be reviewed by the Research Grants Committee. Decisions of the Committee are final.
  • Review components include:
    • Project design
    • Quality of presentation
    • Relevance of topic
    • Ability of the applicant
  • References will be verified and finalists may be interviewed. 
  • Announcement of any grant recipient(s) will be made by May 1 of the current year.

Printable Research Grant Application *

HSA Style Manual *

*(requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™  - free download available from Adobe®) 

Past awards



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