Kits de Ferramentas

As ferramentas aqui disponíveis destacam elementos essenciais para a construção de programas efetivos de comunicação, avaliação e políticas públicas. Elas foram criadas com o objetivo principal de ajudar as instituições apoiadas pela Fundação Kellogg.


This Communications and Marketing Kit has been compiled by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to help non-profit organizations use communications to achieve their social change goals.


This toolkit is designed to provide our grantees with guidance as they undertake this learning effort. It is targeted primarily at those grantees who will be working with an external evaluator, but we believe anyone who is seeking to design an effective, useful evaluation can benefit from this material. Use the links in the left hand column to access the toolkit.


The Kellogg Foundation has long supported the efforts of grantees to realign public and private systems to benefit the quality of community life. An effective tool in achieving community goals and sustaining systems change, policy continues to facilitate the work of grantees to affirm the capacity of community-based leaders, sustain successful activities, and provide communities and change agents with important information to align institutions with community needs.