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Colorado Department of Natural Resources

Boards and Commissions

Board of Parks and Outdoor Recreation

The five-member Colorado State Parks Board represents the North, West, South and Metro regions plus one member-at-large. Appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Colorado Senate, board members serve four-year terms and no more than three members may be from one political party.  More...

Coal Mine Board of Examiners

The Coal Mine Board of Examiners is responsible for the examination, training and certification of mine foreman, firebosses, surface mine foreman, shotfirers, blasters and electricians in coal mines. The Board meets and holds examinations quarterly. The Board is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the General Assembly and serve four-year terms.  More...

Colorado Ground Water Commission

The Colorado Ground Water Commission is a regulatory and an adjudicatory body authorized by the General Assembly to manage and control designated ground water resources within the State of Colorado. The General Assembly has granted the Ground Water Commission this authority under Title 37, Article 90 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (Ground Water Management Act).  More...

Colorado Natural Areas Council

Colorado Natural Areas Council as an advisory council to the Board of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. The council advises the board on the administration of the Natural Areas Program, approves registry and recommends the designation of natural areas by the board.

The council consists of seven members: One member each from the membership of the parks board, the wildlife commission, and the state board of land commissioners appointed by their respective boards or commissions, who serve for three-year terms; and four members appointed by the governor that have a substantial interest in the preservation of natural areas and who serve four-year terms.  More...

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

The mission of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) is to promote the responsible development of Colorado's oil and gas natural resources. Responsible development effectively balances the efficient exploration and production of oil and gas resources; the prevention of waste; and the protection of public health, safety and welfare; the environment; and mineral owners' correlative rights. The COGCC seeks to serve, solicit participation from, and maintain working relationships with all those having an interest in Colorado's oil and gas natural resources.  More...

Colorado Water Conservation Board

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) was created in 1937 for the purposes of aiding in the protection and development of the waters of the state, for the benefit of its present and future inhabitants. The CWCB promotes the conservation of the waters of the State of Colorado in order to secure the greatest utilization of such waters and the utmost prevention of floods.  More...

Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority

The Authority is a quasi-governmental organization created by state statute to provide low cost financing of water related infrastructure projects to municipalities and special districts. Tax-exempt government bonds are issued and are coupled with federal government grants to provide the capital necessary to offer low interest rate loans. The Authority is comprised of a total of 11 staff, including 5 employees in the accounting department. Four distinct financing programs are operated to meet the needs of borrowers. The Authority's operations are funded by its programs, and are not dependent upon state appropriations. More...

Colorado Wildlife Commission

The Colorado Wildlife Commission is a ten-member board appointed by the governor. The Wildlife Commission sets Division of Wildlife regulations and policies for hunting, fishing, watchable wildlife and nongame, and threatened and endangered species. It is also responsible for making decisions about buying or leasing property for habitat and public access and for approving the Division's annual budget proposals and long-range plans. More...

Forestry Advisory Board

The State Forestry Board was created as a volunteer advisory committee to assist the governor, executive director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and the Division of Forestry in establishing state forest policy.  The seven member board includes the Executive Director of the DNR, the president of CSU, the Commissioner of Agriculture (or their respective designees) and four members appointed by the Governor.

Interbasin Compact Commission

The Interbasin Compact Commission was created under the Colorado Water for the 21st Century Act to set up a state-wide committee to address issues between basins, provide a permanent forum for broad-based water discussions. Nine separate Basin Roundables were established for each of the state's major river basin basins, an a "Metro Roundtable" for the Denver metropolitan area. More..

Mined Land Reclamation Board

The Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board (CMLRB) is a multi-interest citizen board that establishes the regulations, standards and policies that guide the Division of Minerals and Geology. The Board was created in 1976 by the Colorado General Assembly. Members are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the legislature, serving terms of 4 years. The composition of the Board is established by the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Act.   More...

Minerals Energy and Geology Advisory Board

The mission of the MEGA Board is to enhance understanding and champion the development and use of Colorado's mineral, energy, and geologic resources through recommendations to the Governor, General Assembly, the DNR and other stakeholders.

State Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump

The duties of the Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors ("Board of Examiners") are defined in Section 37-91-104, C.R.S. The Board of Examiners has been given general supervision and authority over the construction, repair and abandonment of water wells, test holes, and monitoring wells to ensure that such structures are constructed, repaired and abandoned in a manner that will protect ground water resources and public health. The Board of Examiners is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of Article 91 of Title 37, Rules they have adopted, and for dissemination of information to the contractors they have licensed in order to preserve and protect the ground water resource.   More...

State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund

In 1992, Colorado voters approved creation of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund (GOCO), which receives a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to award grants for outdoor recreation, wildlife and open space. Both the Division of State Parks and the Division of Wildlife are designated recipients of GOCO dollars. A 15-member Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor oversees the trust fund.  More...

State Land Board

The Colorado State Land Board manages approximately 3 million acres of surface land and 4 million acres of mineral rights that were given to Colorado at statehood by the federal government. These lands are managed to benefit eight trusts. Income from the largest trust goes to support public education. In Fiscal Year 1999-2000, the agency contributed $42 million toward the support of Colorado's public schools.  More...

State Trails Committee

The State Trails Program, which is managed by Colorado State Parks, was established in 1971. The ongoing mission of the program is to develop a statewide network of trails to link communities, preserve open space and provide access to public land for a variety of uses. The eight member State Trails Committee is comprised of representatives from each of Colorado's six Congressional Districts plus two at-large representatives. The members are volunteers who advise Colorado State Parks on statewide trail issues. More...

Wildlife Public Education Advisory Council

In 1998, the Governor signed House Bill 98-1409 that mandated creation of the Wildlife Management Education Fund. The bill also created an advisory council, charged with the mission to: "Design a media-based program to educate Colorado residents about the positive benefits that hunting and fishing play in wildlife management." The council is required to have wide participation for balanced representation.