Symptoms & Diagnosis

In this section, you can find descriptions and photos of Phytophthora ramorum symptoms, a list of currently known host plants, and how to diagnose disease. Also available are two publications on diagnosis and monitoring of Sudden Oak Death and associated diseases. Further publications can be found in the library. Follow the quick links below for more details.

Host & Associated Plant Lists

Plant Symptoms

Disease Diagnosis

Look-alikes & Misdiagnosis



To view either document click on the document title or page icon.

Sudden oak death and associated diseases caused by Phytophthora ramorum. Davidson, J. M., Werres, S., Garbelotto, M., Hansen, E. M., and Rizzo, D. M. 2003. Online. Plant Health Progress: doi:10.1094/PHP-2003-0707-01-DG.

The guide is for field and laboratory diagnostic use. In addition to pictures and descriptions of symptoms on numerous hosts, it includes culture and PCR isolation instructions as well as culture description and storage tips

Diagnosis and Monitoring of Sudden Oak Death. University of California Cooperative Extension. Pest Alert 6. Storer, A.J., K.E. Keirnan, N.K. Palkovsky, B.W. Hagen, G.W. Slaughter, N.M. Kelly and P. Švihra. 2001.

This guide is a good reference for use when conducting field identification and sampling. It includes sections on appropriate sampling procedures, disposal and cleanup to prevent further spread, and a section on look-alike conditions

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About the Task Force. Created in August 2000, the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) is a nonprofit organization, under the California Forest Pest Council, that brings together public agencies, other nonprofit organizations and private interests to address the issue of elevated levels of oak mortality. The Task Force will implement a comprehensive and unified approach for research, management, education and public policy. Copyright 2004, COMTF