COMTF and Contacts

Task Force Information

    This page lists information on the structure and functioning of the California Oak Mortality Task Force, a non-profit group working to manage Sudden Oak Death in California. 

COMTF Personnel

County Contacts

    This page lists contact information at the county level. Agencies, names and phone numbers are provided for regulatory and informational contacts in each county. 

Other contacts and links

    This page has links to other agencies working on Phytophthora ramorum and Sudden Oak Death in California. 


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About the Task Force. Created in August 2000, the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) is a nonprofit organization, under the California Forest Pest Council, that brings together public agencies, other nonprofit organizations and private interests to address the issue of elevated levels of oak mortality. The Task Force will implement a comprehensive and unified approach for research, management, education and public policy. Copyright 2004, COMTF