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Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World
Purpose of Program


Please Note: The competition for the 2010 calendar year is open.


Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access to the Muslim World aims to promote Americans’ understanding of Islamic civilization and the history, politics, and culture of today’s Muslim world. 

The program further aims to strengthen resources for enriching understanding of relevant global issues.  The program offers a unique opportunity for U.S. colleges and universities to host specialists from countries with significant Muslim populations for short-term programs of intensive lecturing, public outreach, and consultation. 

The Fulbright Visiting Specialists will lecture on and off campus in a variety of humanities and social science disciplines, including the arts, with a focus on Islamic society or civilization.  The Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program encourages interreligious dialogue through on-campus and off-campus activities.  The Visiting Specialists will also work together with the U.S. host institutions on projects with lasting benefits such as curriculum consultation, faculty development, and institutional linkage-building.


The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education

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