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AWWA Speakers Moderator Responsibilities

 Before the Conference

  1. Moderator responsibilities have changed regarding your obligations prior to the conference. We are now asking you to contact the presenters in your session to ensure that they will be attending the conference, that they return all necessary forms, and that they provide a manuscript for the conference proceedings. Speaker contact information is included with this e-mail. If you are moderating a Sunday workshop, you will need to also keep in contact with the presenters to ensure that their materials are turned in for complete workbooks for the attendees.
At the Conference

NEW IN 2006 — For ACE ONLY: Moderators will be required to attend a briefing located in the Speaker Ready Room, regarding a new presentation management system. Speakers will no longer bring a laptop for ACE, but you will need to know how to use this system. A schedule of instruction times will be sent to you.

  1. Arrive at your session room at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. A monitor will be assigned to the session room to assist you, and will bring you a session folder containing: speaker name signs, announcements, the session schedule sheet, and a timer. The session monitor is responsible for collecting the slide trays from speakers and loading them on the slide projector at the appropriate time, if one is to be used; operating the room lighting; and recording audience attendance during each presentation. Monitors have also been instructed to locate a staff person should a problem arise.
  2. Speakers and room monitors have been instructed to arrive at the room 30 minutes before the start of their presentation, but to check in with you before the start of the session. Instruct the speakers as to where you would like them to sit at the head table. If you prefer, you may have the speakers sit in the first row of the audience.
  3. Before beginning the session, please make an announcement to presenters and attendees to please turn off all cellular phones and pagers as a courtesy for all in attendance.
  4. Before the session begins, encourage attendees to sit in the front section of the room, or if attendees are standing in the back of the room, ask them to fill in the seating.
  5. Start the session on time and do not change the order of the presentation or the times. If a speaker cancels or does not show up, promote discussion during that time or, as a last resort, declare a break. This is important as attendees will move from session to session and will plan on hearing the presentation scheduled.
  6. The session announcements should be read prior to the second presentation.
  7. Introduce each speaker before the start of his/her presentation. Using the Publicity Information form that you will receive from the monitor, state only the speaker's name, title, organization, city, and state. Then set the timer allowing the speaker one minute after the bell rings to finish his/her presentations (i.e., if the presentation is scheduled for 20 minutes, you should set the timer for 19 minutes). Follow each presentation with 10 minutes for questions and answers.
  8. Speakers should wear the lavaliere microphone, if available, during their presentations. The microphone should be about six inches away from the speaker's mouth.
  9. Instruct attendees asking questions to use an aisle microphone and state their name, company or school, and city.
  10. At the end of the session the room monitor will collect the name tents, timer etc., from you and will return them to AWWA staff.

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