ACLS American Council of Learned Societies |

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Fellowships & Grants

ACLS offers fellowships and grants in more than a dozen programs for research in the humanities and related social sciences at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels.

The specifics of the competitions vary. Program descriptions, eligibility requirements, and application procedures for each program can be found on the Competitions and Deadlines page.

Fellows and grantees in all programs are selected by committees of scholars appointed for this purpose. An individual may apply to as many fellowship and grant programs as are suitable. However, not more than one ACLS or ACLS-joint award may normally be accepted in any one competition year.

For the purpose of these competitions, the humanities and related social sciences include but are not limited to American studies; anthropology; archaeology; art and architectural history; classics; economics; film; geography; history; languages and literatures; legal studies; linguistics; musicology; philosophy; political science; psychology; religious studies; rhetoric, communication, and media studies; science, technology, and medicine studies; sociology; and theater, dance, and performance studies. Proposals in the social science fields listed above are eligible only if they employ predominantly humanistic approaches (e.g., economic history, law and literature, political philosophy). Proposals in interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary studies are welcome, as are proposals focused on any geographic region or on any cultural or linguistic group.


  • In 2008, awards of over $9.3 million were made to 314 scholars. Visit the Fellows & Research section to view recent awardee listings and profiles.

Programs Administered Elsewhere

ACLS no longer administers the following programs. Please follow the links below for current program information.

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The 2008-09 competitions are now open.

See Competitions and Deadlines for program descriptions.

Recent Awardees

American Council of Learned Societies