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  Pest Management Guidelines

2008 Pest Management Guidelines

Insect ManagementPest Guidelines Cover

Disease Management

Information on Corn Disease Management

Weed Management

Weed Management Introduction
  • Herbicide trade and common name, formulation, mode of action, and manufacturer
  • No-Tillage Burndown: Guide to weed response to herbicides (Click on the link to search)
    Crop Specific Weed Management
  • Weed Management Recommendations (Click on the link to search)
  • Early preplant (EPP) labels for herbicides (Click on the link to search)
  • Soil-applied herbicide rates (Click on the link to search)
  • Guide to weed response to herbicides (Click on the link to search)
    Weed Management Quick Reference
  • Crop replant and rotation guide for herbicides
  • Forage, feed and grazing restrictions for herbicides
  • Herbicide compatibility with fertilizers as application carriers (Click on the link to search)
  • Rainfall-free periods, preharvest intervals (PHI), and crop safety restrictions for postemergence herbicides
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