New November 2002

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Crop Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is intended for print distribution or as a downloadable PDF. Please see links to the PDF file and ordering information on this page.

Link to PDFGene Stevens
Department of Agronomy
Delta Center
Peter Motavalli
Soil Science Program
Peter Scharf
Department of Agronomy
Manjula Nathan
Department of Agronomy
David Dunn
Soil Test Laboratory
Delta Center

Potassium-deficient rice Potassium-deficient rice will have yellow or brown areas on leaf tips and edges.

Soil fertility is one of several factors, including light, moisture, weeds, insects, and diseases, that affect crop yield. An important part of crop farming is being able to identify and prevent plant nutrient deficiencies and toxicities. This publication provides background information on the nature and development of crop nutrient disorders under the growing conditions commonly encountered in Missouri. The publication discusses plant tissue testing as the most accurate diagnostic tool for nutrient deficiencies. Methods for diagnosing nitrogen deficiency by measuring plant color, either in the field or remotely, are discussed. Crop Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities is part of a series of Integrated Pest Management manuals prepared by the Plant Protection Programs of the University of Missouri.



IPM1016, new November 2002