Informed Consent Bibliography

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Informed Consent: An Annotated Bibliography is a resource for those interested in informed consent research or for those seeking a better understanding of the topic.
About the Bibliography describes how it was compiled and information on using it.

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To assist readers in identifying articles that address specific aspects of informed consent, the TOPICS/FINDING AIDS originally prepared by Sugarman and colleagues have here been restructured as searchable keywords:

SOURCE: Sugarman J, et. al | view the PubMed Citation

competency to participate in the informed consent process

ability and opportunity to make uncoerced decisions about treatment or participation in research

the type of information provided by the clinician or investigator, such as information about procedures, risks, benefits, and alternatives as well as the manner in which it is conveyed to patients or potential subjects

patients' and potential subjects' comprehension and recall of information presented to them

the patient's or subject's expression of his or her decision to accept or refuse a proposed treatment or to participate in research

Policies (policies and procedures)

how informed consent is obtained, including timing of conversations and who obtains consent

how interest in participating is encouraged among potential subjects


Additional keywords based on the conference deliberations have been used in the addendum:


confusion between research and therapy

how cultural background and social context influence decisions about participation

how investigators’ understanding of and training regarding informed consent influences consent process and outcomes

how prospective research subjects’ values affect decisions to participate in research

what influences subjects’ ongoing participation


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