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Ronald E. McNair

Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program

The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is an exciting endeavor designed to encourage low-income/first generation college students that have demonstrated strong academic potential and those that are underrepresented in graduate education to pursue doctoral studies.

We work directly with these participants through their undergraduate requirements, persuading their entrance into graduate programs, and track their progress to successful completion of the higher degrees.

The goal of the McNair Program is to increase graduate degree accomplishments of students from underrepresented students. The Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and proposes to encourage and prepare aspiring students for graduate studies.

The Ronald E. McNair Program serves as a living memorial to a man who overcame undefeatable odds to be awarded his Ph.D. in physics and later, to realize his dream of becoming an astronaut for NASA.

At Delaware State University, those selected as Ronald E. McNair scholars commit to a full year to two years involvement.

Research Activities

As a result for participating in the McNair Program, McNair scholars will gain research skills, acquire valuable knowledge about graduate education and how to access it, and increase their chances of applying for and being successful in doctoral study.

McNair scholars will become familiar with the research background of a major university and establish a supportive network of scholarly professionals and peers. McNair scholars will be responsible for the completion of a carefully planned graduate level research paper, which will be presented in the spring. Upon completion of the Summer Research Institute Program, McNair scholars will continue to have the benefit of access to seminars, lectures, and assistance with the graduate application process.