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International Programs

From the President: Our Global Mission

We all are part of a global economy and society. In fact, we’re members of a community of more than 6 billion people in nearly 270 countries who speak hundreds of languages—and who work 24/7!

When DSU graduates enter the real world, they must be equipped to thrive in this global arena and to move easily among its many cultures. Creating globally aware, globally involved students is a major part of this university’s mission.

Delaware State University builds a culture of global awareness in numerous ways, including:

  • focusing on international teaching, research, and learning activities
  • cultivating relationships with international programs, institutions of higher education, and global communities.

At DSU, the world is our university—a laboratory for research and learning. Our students and faculty, and our visiting international students, possess a special kind of curiosity about other cultures, and a true concern for the world.

Find out how you can be a part of our global outreach.

—Dr. Allen Sessoms, President,
Delaware State University