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Distance Learning Center Links

Below are Web resource links that can help you in understanding and using Distance Learning Technologies.

Blackboard Resources

  • Blackboard Learning Systems (http://www.blackboard.com/products/as/) Bring teaching and learning online, with Blackboard's powerful, easy-to-use enterprise course management system.
  • Accessibility (http://products.blackboard.com/cp/bb5/access/index.cgi) In this section, you can find out more about Blackboard’s accessibility projects.


Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) & JavaScript

  • HTML Primer (http://www.htmlprimer.com/)
    This site contains tutorials to help you learn the various aspects of HTML or Hyper text Markup Language. HTML is the basis for all web pages on the Internet.
  • JavaScript Kit (http://www.wsabstract.com/)
    Free JavaScript stuff.


  • webTeacher (http://www.webteacher.org/windows.html) Welcome to webTeacher, a self-paced Internet Tutorial that puts both basic and in-depth information about the World Wide Web at your fingertips - just a mouse click away!