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Vision, Mission & Values

Vision, Mission & Values

The vision
The Centre’s vision is a rural transformation in the developing world where smallholder households massively increase their use of trees in agricultural landscapes to improve their food security, nutrition, income, health, shelter, energy resources and environmental sustainability.

This vision is founded upon three basic tenets:.

  1. The growing importance of trees and treebased systems in sustaining livelihoods and agroecosystems;

  2. The Centre’s experience and comparative advantage in advancing agroforestry research for development;

  3. A global commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

The mission
The Centre’s mission is to generate science-based knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes and to use its research to advance policies and practices that benefit the poor and the environment. Success in achieving this mission will be demonstrated by the increased use of improved trees and tree-based systems, significant gains in the overall productivity of smallholder farming systems, a marked reduction in poverty, and significant improvements in environmental quality. Our goal is to become a partner of choice for a range of scientific and development institutions in their efforts to generate tree-based solutions to the global problems of rural poverty, hunger and environmental degradation.

Our organizational values

We strongly adhere to shared core values that guide our work and relationships with colleagues and partners:

  • Professionalism. We aspire to achieve the highest standards of professionalism in our research, communications, fiduciary management and operations; transparency in our methods and approaches; and fairness in sharing credit.                
  • Mutual respect.We genuinely respect all those with whom we work, irrespective of nationality, gender, religion, age, profession or workplace seniority. We celebrate the achievements of our colleagues and partners. We support a work environment that fosters trust, teamwork and diversity. We commit ourselves to an environment of mutual respect and collaboration with partners, donors and colleagues.                          
  • Creativity. We promote a culture of innovation, continuous learning, problem solving and  independent thinking. We believe that success in living and fostering these values is fundamental to maintaining a vibrant organization, contributing to science and achieving impact.

We believe that success in living and fostering these values is fundamental to maintaining a vibrant organization, contributing to science and achieving impact.



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