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General Information

Welcome to the World Agroforestry Centre's library, which is physically located at our headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. We strive to assist our scientists and their partners to have access to relevant information needed for their work, worldwide.

We have a specialized collection of books, journal literature with considerable back runs, reprints, videos and images on agroforestry. These are all reflected in our catalog of library holdings, and the images and publications databases. These databases are accessible online via the following links:


Our own products form the core of this collection and are supplemented by shared resources held by our many partners. Among these are other CGIAR centres, many national agricultural research institutes, and various UN organizations. The CGIAR Libraries and Information Services Consortium (CGLISC) has developed the CGVLibrary , a gateway to global agricultural knowledge from which leading databases and all CG Centers’ online libraries can be accessed.

Services Offered To Users

  • Circulation of Library Materials

  • Document delivery and inter-library loan service

  • Computerized database searches

  • Question and answer service

  • Current awareness (Library Holdings Catalog online; Current Contents on CD-ROM; many current journal titles available electronically)

  • Photocopy service (Kenya Shillings 2.50 per page)

  • Assisting users to gain access to and retrieve information

Access To Library

  • Reading room open to all

  • Loans to ICRAF personnel and personnel of hosted institutions by arrangement

  • Services to ICRAF outreach staff through e-mail, post and courier service.


Over 8000 books
Over 30000 reprints
80 Current journal titles with back runs
Basic reference collection
Good collection of maps
Slide/image collection, videos


For more information, contact:

Jacinta Kimwaki
Head Librarian
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
UN Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30677-00100 GPO
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: jkimwaki@cgiar.org


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