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HSR&D QUERI Program Description + Contact Info

QUERI Program Description + Contact Info | QUERI Site | Projects

Launched in January 1998, the Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) has successfully created and implemented a national system to rapidly translate research discoveries and innovations into effective, high-quality patient care and system-wide improvements. QUERI is a comprehensive, data-driven, multi-disciplinary, outcomes-based national quality improvement program designed to assure excellence in all settings where VHA provides care: inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care. The Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) is an ideal home for this initiative because the translation of quality improvement tools and findings is central to QUERI's mission.

QUERI is operationalized through eight condition-specific groups located in QUERI Coordinating Centers throughout the country. These groups focus on the following conditions: Chronic Heart Failure, Colorectal Cancer, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Ischemic Heart Disease, Mental Health, Spinal Cord Injury, and Substance Use Disorders. A Center focusing on the ninth priority condition, Stroke, will be re-established in the coming year. Each QUERI group is led by both a Clinical Coordinator and a Research Coordinator. Together, the Coordinators head a multidisciplinary Executive Committee responsible for implementing the six steps in the QUERI process.

QUERI uses a six-step process to facilitate the application of the rigorous analysis conducted both inside and outside VHA. The QUERI process starts with the development of a merit reviewed strategic plan designed to identify knowledge gaps, compare ideal to existing practice, plan actions to address the identified gaps in knowledge and practice, assure that the evidence-based quality improvement tools and findings get to the bedside and the policy table quickly, and evaluate the impact of these tools and findings on patient outcomes and system wide improvement.

This initiative was designed to translate research into optimal patient care and systems improvements by identifying best practices, systematizing their use and providing the ongoing feedback necessary to sustain outcome improvements. As QUERI groups produce findings and quality improvement tools, they are developing and implementing research findings in real situations and at all system levels. QUERI's success thus far is based on a close partnership both within various divisions of VHA Central Office and between VHA Central Office and field operations. QUERI works in close cooperation with the offices of Quality and Performance, Patient Care Services, and Informatics. Not only is this interoffice collaboration essential to HSR&D efforts, it promotes a synergistic relationship between Central Office and the field.

For more information about QUERI, please contact:

Linda McIvor, MHS, MS
Health Science Specialist, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (124Q)
Phone: 202-254-0216