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Counseling Services Center

Edna Clay
Edna W. Clay
Director of Counseling
M.A., B.S. - North Carolina Central University

(302) 857-7381
Education and Humanities Bldg.
Room 123
(302) 857-7381
FAX: (302) 857-7382

Director’s Message

Our mission, under the auspices of the Office of Student and Academic Support, is designed to help students to meet their personal, social, and academic needs. Counselors are involved in helping students explore their needs, feelings, interpersonal relationships and life goals. Personal development workshops, individual, and group counseling sessions for personal issues and support groups for non-traditional students, readmitted suspensions, and probationary status students are strategies employed by counselors to maximize student’s growth and successful completion of the University experience.


Confidentiality: Counseling sessions take place in private, and the relationship between counselors and students are held in strictest confidence.

students gatheringRalph Robinson in the Counseling Services Center with a DSU student.

Group Counseling: Counseling groups are available to students on an on-going basis. Meetings may be weekly or bi-monthly. Counselors facilitate the group activities and monitor the group’s growth process. Groups may be formed in any area of the student’s interest. For example, depression/anxiety support for students dealing with those issues, and Female Bonding Group where female students address serious issues that affect them daily.

students in counseling centerIndividual Counseling: Students have the opportunity to meet with a professional counselor to explore and define individual concerns. Counselors work with students in terms of personal assessment, social development, and academic achievement. Counselors are helpful for students in exploring feelings, weighing alternatives, and making any appropriate referrals to on or off-campus resources.

Substance Abuse Counseling: Substance Abuse Counseling is provided by trained professional staff to help students examine their attitudes about alcohol and other drugs and to help them privately assess how and why they use chemicals. The staff also offers various strategies for successful rehabilitation.students in counseling center

Crisis Intervention: Counselors may be utilized for any occurrence on the campus that is highly volatile, and/or emergency situation requiring immediate remedial or corrective action where counseling skills are appropriate.

Personal Development Workshops: Workshops are designed to address student’s developmental needs and issues. They focus on non-academic factors which affect retention, and are intended to acquaint students with various factors which are related to “college survival.” In this respect, they especially survey the role of their feelings and relationships and how they successfully impact achievement of good college grades.

Inventories and Career Exploration: The Counseling Center provides interest inventories and career exploration counseling in cooperation with the Campus Careers Planning Office.

Veterans Affairs Services

Veterans Affairs is designed to provide the veteran student with educational, personal, social, and other counseling assistance and administrative services as needed. The coordinator primarily facilitates academic success and overall enhancement of each veterans University experience. All enrolled veterans must register through this office before each semester begins. For more information, please contact the Veterans Affairs Coordinator at (302) 857-6376.


Pauline Earle
Pauline Earle
M.H.S. - Lincoln University of PA
(302) 857-7381
Michael Monk
Michael Monk
M.Ed. - Universidad del Interamericana
B.A. - Universidad del Turabo (302) 857-7381
Ralph F. Robinson, Jr.
Ralph F. Robinson, Jr.
M.S.W. - Delaware State University
B.S. - University of Maryland-European Division
(302) 857-7381
Wendelin Henry
Wendelin Henry
M.S.W., B.S.W. - Delaware State University
(302) 857-6376
Donna Copper
Donna Copper
(302) 857-7381

Peer Counseling

The Delaware State University Peer Counseling Program is entering its sixth year of service to the University. The Peer Counseling Program consists of a select group of diverse and well-rounded DSU students who provide support and information to the general student body as an extension of the Counseling Center. Peer Counselors strive to improve the students’ perception of mental health, counseling services, and overall wellness.

After visiting with a Peer Counselor, students hopefully see the benefits of counseling services, eliminating any pervious social stigmas associated with mental health. Through one-on-one sessions, group activities, and the practice of empathy and confidentiality, the Peer Counselor becomes a bridge between the professional counseling staff and the student body.

Peer Counselors work closely with the University’s Counseling Services and are trained to provide mental health services to the DSU student body. They are supervised and trained weekly by the professional counseling staff on effective listening skills, problem solving techniques, and crisis intervention, to assist the student body in the day-to-day challenges of college students. Peer Counselors are everyday college students who strive to make DSU a positive learning environment for all.

Peer Councelors
Peer Counselors
Standing: Ife Aziz, Sheldon Richardson, Leroy Rush, Takeem Ragland, Emilio Stewart.
Seated: Kimberly Purrier, Kena Jackson, Ciara Lawton, Karol Bloch, Leslie Howe, Brittany Smith, Vanessa Valdes.