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Office of Sponsored Programs

Institutional Animal Care and Use

All animal-use protocols involving vertebrate animals conducted or sponsored by Delaware State University must be submitted for campus Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) review, approval, and periodic review in accordance with campus policies and procedures which are required by federal law. Review of animal-use protocols may be subject to further appropriate review and approval by officials of the University. These officials may not, however, approve an activity involving the care and use of animals if the campus IACUC has not approved it.

All faculty and staff using animals in teaching and/or research purposes should download a copy of the Agricultural Animal Care and Use in Research and Teaching Handbook and IACUC Approval Application. This document identifies the requirements and procedures for obtaining approval of animal-use protocols. An animal-use project may not begin until the principal investigator has been notified that the animal-use protocol has been approved by the campus IACUC and a protocol number has been assigned by the IACUC Committee. A completed copy of the application should be forwarded to Mr. Andrew Hurdle, Grants Officer in the Office of Sponsored Programs-building 502.

For more information on IACUC, please contact Dr. Dennis McIntosh, IACUC Chair (dmcintosh@desu.edu) at (302) 857-6456 or Mr. Dennis Rubino (drubino@desu.edu) at (302) 857-6834.