ACLS American Council of Learned Societies |

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What ACLS Does Not Fund

ACLS is not able to offer individuals the following types of assistance:

  • Fellowships or scholarships for undergraduate study
  • Grants for curricular, pedagogical, or other studies directed primarily toward the improvement of education, or for the preparation or revision of textbooks
  • Grants for the editing and publication of research already in manuscript, except for the ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships
  • Grants for straightforward translation projects, except the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS translation grants in East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and Early History
  • Travel grants for lecturing, teaching, or participating in meetings and conferences, except for CCK New Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society fellowships, and travel and conference grants under the East European Studies Program
  • Grants for creative work (e.g., novels or films)


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American Council of Learned Societies